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Hey guys im considering visiting dr Laorwong in early January just wondering if anyone has a ht done by him or know of any one who has??


  • Senior Member

Most ppl are visiting dr path in bkk when travelling to thailand for ht. Recently there are few who chosen dr pong.

I have booked my date wif dr pong but no comments on his work yet till i had my ht.

Gd luck, keep researching for more details.

  • Senior Member



Doctor Laorwong completed his training with Doctor Pathomvanich at DHT Clinic a few years ago. I did research on him a couple of years ago but at the time it was difficult to find much feedback regarding his HT procedures.


I would suggest that he is probably okay because of his training with DHT Clinic. The problem arises is the experience of his team of technicians and the level of their qualifications and training that they have gone thru for HT procedures. It would be slight arisk to go with him because of the lack of feedback.


I think that he charges about $2US per graft for his procedure that he does in Phuket. If you contact DHT Clinic and ask how much it costs for Doctor Kulakarn to do your hairtransplant. She is the second HT surgeon who works alongside Doctor Pathomvanich at DHT Clinic. I had my HT procedure with her in August 2010 and I believe that I had a good result with her.


It is another option for you to consider.


Whichever surgeon you use you should find out what level of backup they are able to offer if you have problems ie. low yield or an ugly wide scar.


Good luck with your decision.





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