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worried man to have fue scar repair

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Will be having fue repair on my strip scar Friday with Dr. Cooley in Charlotte. Not a terribly bad scar, but I like to keep my hair short (2 or 3 buzzer, 1 if it was possible) I will be adding 100 grafts to the scar to "break up" the look a little. See where I can go from there. The scar is 1 year old. I have also done some micropigmentation, which helped camouflage it some, but there is still an obvious difference in texture. This pic was taken 2 days after micropigmentation/tattooing, so some areas are still darker than when they healed. Let's hope we can hide this better! Scar is only on the one side of my head.


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  • Regular Member

Will be having fue repair on my strip scar Friday with Dr. Cooley in Charlotte. Not a terribly bad scar, but I like to keep my hair short (2 or 3 buzzer, 1 if it was possible) I will be adding 100 grafts to the scar to "break up" the look a little. See where I can go from there. The scar is 1 year old. I have also done some micropigmentation, which helped camouflage it some, but there is still an obvious difference in texture. This pic was taken 2 days after micropigmentation/tattooing, so some areas are still darker than when they healed. Let's hope we can hide this better! Scar is only on the one side of my head.

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Guest balloonman

Do yourself a favor, if you plan on going through all of the trouble of travel, shaving your head etc.. you should really plan on doing 400 or more grafts into your scar. Based on the photos, 100 grafts will do little to nothing to help hide it and if you yield less than 100% and more like 50%, 50 grafts will be a complete waste of time and money.


My opinion and I had 300 done which also did very little to camoflauge an area much smaller than yours.

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