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Donor scar widening:


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Can a donor scar begin to widen days or even weeks after a HT? I'm 5 weeks post-op and part of my scar, behind my right ear APPEARS 1/4 inch wide or so. I do have some shock loss in the area. I was told that the area behind the ear can APPEAR more red/pink and wider because that's where the knots are tied when using sutures. I had my third procedure of about 1500 grafts done by Dr. Paul Shapiro. Thoughts?

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Can a donor scar begin to widen days or even weeks after a HT? I'm 5 weeks post-op and part of my scar, behind my right ear APPEARS 1/4 inch wide or so. I do have some shock loss in the area. I was told that the area behind the ear can APPEAR more red/pink and wider because that's where the knots are tied when using sutures. I had my third procedure of about 1500 grafts done by Dr. Paul Shapiro. Thoughts?

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Not So Bad,


I'll first start by saying that anything is possible, but I would venture at 5 weeks, since it's so early, that your scar did not widen...it is probably


1. Inflamation, redness, or pinkness

2. Shockloss which makes the scar look wider than it is


I have seen many results from Dr. Ron Shapiro and I know Dr. Paul has been trained by him and is his brother so it appears that you were in good hands. There haven't been a lot of posts yet by patients of Dr. Pauls, so I hope you'll share your experience and pictures with us.


If you want to take pictures of your donor area and post them for us, that might help give us a better idea as well. I'd also pose your same concerns directly to Dr. Paul and see what he says.Bill

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I agree with Bill, it's a little early in the game so you likely just need to give it a little time.


Are you using anything to aid the scar in healing? I used Mederma for the first month or two after my second HT and believe it may have helped a little though I guess it's really hard to tell.


I'm pretty sure Dr. Paul uses trichophytic donor closure so eventually you should have hair growing through the scar which helps. If you still have concerns after month 3 or so (or anytime, really) I'd give the Doc a call...............he's the real deal and I'm sure will do anything he can to help!



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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Thanks guys. For some reason when I siged on last, my old screen name came up. Anyway, I called Matt Zupan of SMG and he told me not to worry. He asked me to take a photo and send it to him so Paul and Ron can take a look.


I think it's really a bit of inflamation. My donor area is still a bit more painful on that side more so than the remaining donor area. It's not painful to the point where I can't sleep or anything like that. I never took any pain meds either but that's just me. I have never looked at my donor area after prior HTs but this one just felt a bit funny in that I could feel the shock loss this time. This is my third small surgery (600, 2000 and 1500).


I have decided to use some ointment on the donor area. I've decided on Neosporin just in case. Oh, I don't think Dr Paul used the Tri-closure. If I remember correctly we discussed it before the surgery and he said he didn't think it was necessary. I'll check with Matt to verify that as well. In addition, I'm going to have one more surgery in October to add some density to the front half. I don't think I need it but I'm afflicted with HAIR GRRED>


And lastly, would the two of you give me some feedback on my post under screen name "Not so bad" in the hair loss drug section. Thanks again.

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