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Dr. Feller Consult HELP!!!


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I am going for a consult with Dr. Feller Tomorrow. I have many questions, but I was wondering if the forum could give me some others to ask that are important to the final result?



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I am going for a consult with Dr. Feller Tomorrow. I have many questions, but I was wondering if the forum could give me some others to ask that are important to the final result?



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Hey Fabe I am going for a consult with Feller tomorrow as well. Just to inform you a little bit on Feller, I have gone for a consult with him before and am now ready for a procedure. I found him to be straight foward and professional. He will most likely draw a diagram on your head to show you the area he would work with. Feller seems to prefer sessions that are not extremly large as others docs might do and he expressed to me that he would do about 2000-2500 grafts on the frontal part of my scalp and the top/crown would be done in a later session so don't expect to get everything done in 1 pass. Make sure you ask him how many procedures it would take to meet your goals. There are other docs out there that will do mega-sessions if thats what you want. Go with what makes you comfortable and take in multiple consultations with other docs as well before you commit. Also, Feller recommended to me to get on Propecia so that the later session for the crown area would possibly not requir as much work. Hopes this helps and maybe I will bump into you tomorrow. My appointment is at 11:30.

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You sure will, I have one set for noon. But why wont he do mega? I have seen many on here that have had 3500 to get the crown completed with one pass which I prefer, why get cut twice.

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Guys, Dr. Feller emailed me once. he mentioned the upper limit of his procedures is 3500. i guess he meant extreme cases.

its a pity if he doesn't though. probably the only reason why i might not go to him eventually, as much as i want to, for now.


good luck to both of you and please keep me informed of your progress



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Hey Fabe, when I mentioned before about the size of Feller's procedures it was based on my experience with him during my first consultation and also through other peoples experiences mentioned on this web site. There was one guy who posted here that went by the user name "Reverse the Curse" He ended up going elsewhere for his HT because Feller would not do the megasesion he wanted. Again it's a good idea to consult with different docs to find which one you feel most comfortable with. In the end I feel Feller has my best interests in mind and thats why Im going with him. Once you talk with him I am confident you will feel the same.

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I am not sure if he is completely against the idea but every patient is different and Feller will look after your best interests in my opinion. Only a personal consultation will give you the info your looking for as I am only going by past stories I have read on this web site. Do a search on Feller and you will be able to see some past posts about him. Also search for "Reverse the Curse" because his story seems to relate to what you want. I just did a search on Feller on past posts about him and noticed that you have been considering him for awhile. Have you had any consultations yet with any HT docs? If not I understand why you have the questions you do. My advice go to your consultation tomorrow with a list of questions you want answered. Next, make an appointment for another consultation. Try True/Dorin in Manhatten. Try some online consultations with docs like Shapiro. All good choices.

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Keep in mind that it is virtually impossible for a doctor who is very "hands on", that is, they make all of the recipient sites and place most of the grafts, to handle a mega-session. At some point, as the number of grafts go higher and higher, they have to rely more and more on their staff. While some doctors like Dr. Keene do most of the work themselves, others will make the recipient sites and then say "see ya next week", while the staff places the grafts. Personally I want the doctor either doing or closely supervising the work. Placement of the grafts is important and not as simple as it seems. I'm sure many graft placing staffers are very skilled, but...


2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


My Photo Album


See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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I met with Dr. Feller today. I think it went well but I also learned some stuff about mega secessions. Dr. Feller is more than happy to do mega Ht's, but one must take into consideration their donor area. If it is week but still doable it would take a much bigger cut which could mean scar problems. If you have great full donor area the mega session would make since. Anyway the reality is that although Dr. Feller could pack in 2500 into my front, he informed me it wouldn't be also wise to do my crown also in one pass because my donor has lost hair. Now that brings me to the most important question which will help me decide on moving forward which I want so much. If my donor area has lost hair, what if I have it done and the new HT loses hair because as I thought that you cant lose hair in that area, it can. I am very concerned about my donor area not being programmed to be around forever. Dr. Feller said It shouldn't be a problem. But please tell me what you think about my concern.

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1. Prior hair transplant surgery (usually plug procedures) that significantly scar and decrease donor density.

2. Not enough donor area to obtain 4,000 grafts

3. Not enough donor area to obtain 4,000 grafts safely (that is, without risking a very wide scar and shocking the donor area)

4. Significantly atrophied or scarred recipient area from prior surgery(usually plugs), trauma, or age.

5. Possiblilty of future hairloss therefore use of 4,000 grafts not recommended

6. Not within the patient's budget or time schedule

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I want to make my appointment for Sept with Doc Feller. He wants to pack in 2500 in my front, but my only concern is, can the donor hair that he puts in, can that go bald? That may be a silly question, but he did say that I lost some hair in the donor area.



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Fabe, yes... If the hair moved from the donor area is DHT programed (to fall out), then yes, it is possible.


But that would mean you are destined to be a NW6 or NW7!!


Listen to the doc., and if you are still uncertain, check with a dermatoligist, or better yet, another HT physician.


True is in your neck of the woods, so maybe you may want to pay a visit and get another opinion.


Never hurts to get 2 or more thoughts on a final decision.

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Are you using Propecia? Propecia should help retain your existing hair, and also help retain hair in the donor area. Is it a slam dunk to do that, no it is not. If you have stablized your hair loss already with Propecia then that is hopeful. If not, be careful.


The bad news is that your crown will have to get short shrift. You need the grafts to build up the front, more than the back. The crown uses up a ton of grafts, you could blow an entire donor area on the crown and still want more (and then have no more grats, to even touch the front). You may have to be satisfied with a bare crown, or a very lightly grafted crown (see through).


Nice to finally get a scalp to see, to associate with the voice. Keep posting if you get something done, you are a straight shooter and your feedback is valuable.

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No I have not tried drugs. But I thought and maybe I am incorrect, that the donor area is programmed to be around forever. I don't want grafts that also need a drug to make them stay. If I go forward which I am ready to do With Dr. Feller, than I need to know that the 2500 that he puts in my front will make it. I am a little confuse here, which is kind of funny because I am finally ready and this comes up.

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your donor area should most likely be an area that is not predestined to fall out. I think Arfy might have been talking about the hair on top of your hair or to prevent shock loss around the donor area. I was always told that the donor area is permanent hair that will be around forever. correct me if I'm wrong of course but I believe this is true

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Fabe, you look to be headed to Norwood 6 if you don't stop your hair loss. Getting a transplant without stopping your hair loss first, is like trying to bail water out of a leaky rowboat. You can't just let your hair fall out and expect to replace everything with grafts. There isn't enough donor hair to do that. The more existing hair you can keep, the better. Are you still losing hair?


Guys with extensive hair loss (Norwood 5, 6 , 7) can often lose hair in the donor area. Look at any guy who has full-blown baldness. His donor area is often thinned out too. If that guy would have moved that donor hair up top, it would have thinned out there too.


In guys with serious hair loss, the donor area may not be permanent!


I recommend that guys who want hair transplants try to SAVE as much of their pre-existing hair as possible! Your hair transplant will look a LOT better. That is "Hair Transplant 101"


Ask Dr Feller if he guarantees that your donor hair will be permanent?

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