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How accurate are ht's?

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Before my hairloss, i used to wear my hair as the "shaggy" hairstyle, long, and kinda like a surfer would wear his hair, but due to obvious hair loss now I can no longer do that. I have been quoted of needing between 2500-3000 graphs to restore my hairline. What I am basically asking is if a skilled surgeon densely packed graphs, could i have that long natural hairstyle again? And would it look natural, almost like native hair? Sorry for the rookie question. I have never seen a transplant photo of a man post op with long shaggy "beach" hair. Anyone?

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  • Senior Member

I would say that a "shaggy" style is do-able if you have a lot of native hair left are able to get a decent density HT; I remember this one dude on this site a while back that had a shaggy hairstyle who had a HT; he had blond hair and it looked very natural; you could use this product called Surf Hair to give the illusion of more density also.

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  • Senior Member

the truth is you can never tell pre-HT exactly what your density will be like. You'll get some idea based on your donor hair. If you pick a skilled surgeon, your results will look natural with most hairstyles.

I've seen a variety of post-HT hairstyles and most look great!

- badger

3279 grafts with Dr Gabel - 06/12/08


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Gabel

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  • Senior Member

Hey beachcola12


I wear my hair longer , surfer style , , I had 2100 crown grafts with Dr Feller in nov 2007 , I appriciate you want info on the front hair line but I kinda answered half the question hahahaha


Please feel free to check out my blog and here is a link to my 9 month update , I still have another 9 month of growth and maturing to do , and my progress just using meds , before I had my ht .






Hope this helps bud



2100 crown grafts

Dr Feller

nov 2007

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Thats a tough, but not unanswerable question. It comes down to how well you were able to pull of the look as you were losing your hair. If you were able to pull it off when you had between 30-50% of your original density, then yes.


To restore the front to near native dentsity could take 5-7K grafts. If you put in 2500, then that would be about half-density or less.


I have not seen any successful "long" hairstyles after HT. Only one that comes to mind is shuffle.

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  • Senior Member

Hey guys


I agree with some of what emperor has said about long hair HTs , in relation to how keeping ht hair shorter can add to the illusion of density and therefore the results do look better , like when you first shave your hair down , it always looks denser and less thinning , this is only because the hair shaft is thicker at the base and more scalp can be seen everywere , kinda diguising the thinning parts .


Also I think there are less long hair wearing guys providing there results online , so less evidence to look at and judge .


Shuffle is an outstanding case , but he had 7800 grafts to achieve his results , check it out .




So I think if the right approach and with the right doctor , a skilled surgeon can give you a natural look to carry off the longer hair , the higher density and accurate placement is paramount to achieve this .


I took these pics this morning when I got up to help prove my point , I had no hair directly infront of my crowns and found it difficult to pull off the "surfer look" but now after densly packing 2100 grafts into an area to give me over 60 grafts per cm ,I'm sure you'll agree even after only 9 months and approximatly 50% growth so far the difference is night and day , and the results do look totally natural .


Immediatly post and pre surgery.




Today after 9 months growth .








I'm still not fully grown out yet so emperor , I hope in another 9 months you can atleast say richie's results look good with long hair hahahahaha


Hope this helps


2100 crown grafts

Dr Feller

nov 2007

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