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Low Level Laser Therapy

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I have had a hard time believing that in 90 days, hair count can be raised at detectable levels in the reports that were published and submitted to the FDA. The rush to providing this treatment modality as a clinical tool has somewhat amazed me. I have offered LLLT in my office for over a year but the difference between what I do and what everyone else does is that I offer this treatment free of charge to any and all of my hair transplant patients. I want to see results before I offer it as a service with a professional fee. I do not offer it to ??people off of the street' (new customers) because in all conscience I can not state that there is a clear benefit of this treatment. Reports from my patients who have used it over the past year are varied. Although they do not ??pay' dollars for LLLT treatments, they devote a huge amount of time in order to come to my office 3 times a week for the 6 month treatment course that is recommended. Their dedication is also noted when you take Los Angeles traffice into account. So when they report subjective results, I wonder if those that report ??some' benefit are truly being objective. I have done miniaturization studies and some hair counts on these patients and I have been unable to see objective benefits that I can measure. What I find remarkable is that there is a subset of these patients are believe that there are benefits to the LLLT, but even with a profit incentive for me, I can not join that bandwagon. The charges for a 6 month treatment course (paid up front) runs between $2000-$6000 in the Los Angeles area. I guess my patients are getting a real bargain. Had I charged for the service, I would have made off like a bandit, but unfortunately I would feel like one and I can not live with that feeling.

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  • Regular Member

I have had a hard time believing that in 90 days, hair count can be raised at detectable levels in the reports that were published and submitted to the FDA. The rush to providing this treatment modality as a clinical tool has somewhat amazed me. I have offered LLLT in my office for over a year but the difference between what I do and what everyone else does is that I offer this treatment free of charge to any and all of my hair transplant patients. I want to see results before I offer it as a service with a professional fee. I do not offer it to ??people off of the street' (new customers) because in all conscience I can not state that there is a clear benefit of this treatment. Reports from my patients who have used it over the past year are varied. Although they do not ??pay' dollars for LLLT treatments, they devote a huge amount of time in order to come to my office 3 times a week for the 6 month treatment course that is recommended. Their dedication is also noted when you take Los Angeles traffice into account. So when they report subjective results, I wonder if those that report ??some' benefit are truly being objective. I have done miniaturization studies and some hair counts on these patients and I have been unable to see objective benefits that I can measure. What I find remarkable is that there is a subset of these patients are believe that there are benefits to the LLLT, but even with a profit incentive for me, I can not join that bandwagon. The charges for a 6 month treatment course (paid up front) runs between $2000-$6000 in the Los Angeles area. I guess my patients are getting a real bargain. Had I charged for the service, I would have made off like a bandit, but unfortunately I would feel like one and I can not live with that feeling.

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  • Senior Member



I think this whole movement of Laser therapy is a joke.. I don't care what he FDA says and Dr. Bauman's ( with all do respect) MIGHT's & maybe's are not good enough for me.. Too much gray area's in this ..


Stick to the proven treatments or get a HT...


No sense in wasting time ..



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Dr. Rassman,


I must agree with you. Unless it can be proven that it actually has any benefit for hair loss sufferers, it should not be available as a pay for service.


I'm also skeptical of the FDA approval just as JoTronics thread suggests here: http://hair-restoration-info.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/146...701040113#8701040113


Ok...and now some questions:


What hopes do you have in offering it to your patients as a free service? Are you attempting to collect empiracle evidence of LLLT efficacy? If so...what data have you collected? If not...why offer a service, even for free, if there is no evidence that it works? Isn't that a waste of everyone's time (yours and the patients)? What are these mixed reviews reported back to you by patients? Have you concluded or noticed any patterns? Are the patients that are being treated with LLLT also combining their treatment with finasteride and/or minoxodil? If so, how do we know those reporting positive effects of LLLT are not experiencing gain from the other treatments?





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