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8 month update


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Looking good for only 4 months bro. I'm failing to remember your statistics, doc, grafts, hairs, etc. If you could post it here, that would be great...otherwise, I'll go find your original thread icon_wink.gif.


any easier way of taking a picture of the back of your head?



Yeah, have someone else take the pic icon_wink.gif



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Originally posted by Bill:


Yeah, have someone else take the pic icon_wink.gif



Boy do I feel stupid..but then again..suturing a hairsystem to my head most likely out-trumps the picture comment.


Sorry guys..I should have started the photo album from the begging but just figured it out. When I cropped the pictures..they became miniaturized. I do have a weblog that shows the progression.


In short. Dr. True 1-2129 2-2168 a small number of 3-4's used as 1's and 2's -don't have an exact number. I wanted as much coverage on 1 pass as possible.



I am not expecting full coverage from this as I had (have) extensive baldness. I was under a rug for 18 years and had the HT 2 months after removing it.(wanted to get it done as soon as possible)...so I will never really know what would have grown back on it's own..although I suspect not much.


I do have donor supply left and my native hair is pretty dense. I know I have to wait approx: 1 year before accessing the situation of the HT/Propecia...but judging from most of the posts..I'll probably want another pass.


Thanks for the comments.


My Hair Loss Weblog


Dr. True 9/22/06

4326 grafts

2129 1's

2168 2's

6545 Total Hairs

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From one former "system wearer" to another, congratulations on slipping out from under the rug. You're doing excellent at only 4 months. Be sure to add a photo of you burning your hair system to your blog and this album :-)


Best wishes for continued great growth. Pat

Never Forget - It's what radiates from within, not from your skin, that really matters!

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Originally posted by Pat - Publisher of this Community:

Be sure to add a photo of you burning your hair system to your blog and this album :-)




Thanks Pat:


Instead of burning it...I was going to box it up and give it to my old partner (he's totally bald) as a gift at his retirement party...but my wife wouldn't let me. Yes...it's nice to be liberated. More importantly, thank you for this valuable forum"???and its many contributors. I was weeks away from having a HT without doing my due diligence. Chalk up another "save" for the Hair Restoration Forum!!!


Happy growing to you as well.


My Hair Loss Weblog


Dr. True 9/22/06

4326 grafts

2129 1's

2168 2's

6545 Total Hairs

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Looking good, Glock. Glad to see things are coming in. Still much more growth and thicking to come so hang in there!



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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It's been four months already?! How time flies. It's wonderful to see your progress. Thanks for sharing. Best wishes for a full head of hair. It won't take long now.

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  • 1 month later...
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Question/concerns for the pros:


Can hair growth slow between the 5th and 6th month? MY HT appears to have slowed down over the last month while the hairs that did grow, grew longer. When I brush it straight back, or to the side, it looks ok"???but thin. When I comb it forward, and take a birds-eye view, it's rather depressing.


I have attached 6th month pics(posted in gallery)..sorry if some of the pics are blurry.


So basically, my questions are...

Is this normal and too early to worry?

How can I tell if all of the grafts have grown?


As always, I more than appreciate the advise and comments:


My Hair Loss Weblog


Dr. True 9/22/06

4326 grafts

2129 1's

2168 2's

6545 Total Hairs

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Hi Glock,

You had a relatively small number of grafts covering a large area. You will have a bit of a thin look with that. Especially if I understand you correctly, your doctor split your 3's and 4's to create more coverage with 1's and 2's.


It is typical to have a rapid explosion of growth early (for some people) and then it appears to slow down after that. You are still early, and should expect more growth. It probably won't happen as fast now. You'll slowly thicken over the next 6 to 12 months.


2700 Total Grafts w/ Keene 9/28/05

663 one's = 663

1116 two's = 2232

721 three's = 2163

200 four's = 800

Hair Count = 5858


1000 Total Grafts w/Keene 2/08/07

Mostly combined FU's for 2600+ hairs


My Photo Album


See me at Dr. Keene's Gallery

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What Gorpy said . . . .


In fact, everything he said.


If anything, I was balder than you were, Glock, and with my first HT--especially since I had the grafts distributed all over instead of just on top and in front--my hair looked just as thin six months into it. That was 2,600 grafts. After my second HT--2,500 grafts, all put into the hairline and top--it looked a great deal better but still painfully thin. Fortunately, a slight application of Dermatch works wonders.


Two weeks ago, Doctor Cooley did a touch-up of my hairline. He meant to only harvest and transplant 30-100 grafts, but ended up doing 500+. That will get me pretty close to what I was hoping for on top when I started this.


I have to live with that big, honkin' balding spot in back, though. The hairs I transplanted back there don't do a whole lot cosmetically, but they do keep the spot from being shiny and they help the hair on top blend in when I comb it back.


The point is, for Norwood VI guys like us, unless we are just fabulously lucky in terms of amount and quality of donor hair, we're never going to get past that thin-hair look. Supply just doesn't meet demand. Fortunately, this is one of the few areas where age is an asset. I'm in my fifties, so the thinness of my hair, especially with the hairline Dr. Cooley gave me, looks appropriate. Not optimal, but appropriate. At least, I can no longer be described as "that bald guy over there."


The other good thing is that your new hair is going to look a lot more impressive to others than it does to you. I've gotten nothing but positive comments after both my first and second HT's.


From what I can see in your photos, you are coming along just fine. I think you'll be positively thrilled after the next three or four months. And yes, the hair does grow at different rates and stages, so don't concern yourself with that, yet. In fact, even though one year is the general benchmark for evaluating the final results of an HT, there is usually some improvement after that. Up to several months after my first HT, I saw improvement, not in new growth, but in the individual hairs getting thicker and more manageable. It's been fourteen months since my second HT, and it's the same story this time.


I'm looking forward to hearing about your results in the next six months or so. Best of luck!

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Thanks Gorpy and Hair App:


Gorpy-with my 4k + grafts, I only had 6k+ hairs moved. I was well below norm w/ 3's and 4's. I wish I had your three counts.



Hair App:

It's sure is reassuring to hear advise from another VI. I guess I should be happy to have some hair and have more realistic expectations considering my NW scale and age. (guess I was developing hair greed)


Thanks again and best wishes for successful growth.


My Hair Loss Weblog


Dr. True 9/22/06

4326 grafts

2129 1's

2168 2's

6545 Total Hairs

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You can definitely expect more growth...but yes, hair growth can and will slow down eventually. I just looked at your blog and don't see any 6 month pictures, so I can't compare your 5 and 6 months shots, but it's obvious from your 5 month pictures, that you have many new hairs that are thinner that have to mature...not to mention that you will and should still experience new growth.


Hope this helps



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Ah...saw you posted your 6 month pictures on this thread but not in the blog. You are right...doesn't appear to be much difference between 5 and 6 months...but I stand by what I said above...hair will continue to thicken and you should see some new growth. However, as some others have said, 4300 grafts in such a large area (especially since the number of hairs are below average), you most likely will not achieve the density you want and may consider going for a second session in the future. But you will continue to improve from where you are now.



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Originally posted by Bill:

... you want and may consider going for a second session in the future. But you will continue to improve from where you are now.




Thanks Bill:

When I was seeking advise prior to my HT, you called it at two-three procedures and 25-30K. You are the guru.... icon_wink.gif Thanks for the honest assessment.


Grow well.


My Hair Loss Weblog


Dr. True 9/22/06

4326 grafts

2129 1's

2168 2's

6545 Total Hairs

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Glock -


Not much to add other than to encourage you to hang in there. At this point, you've likely experienced the "explosion" of growth, however, you will still have SOME more growth and the hairs will thicken. As has been said, with that number of grafts over the whole area, coverage will be thin, but you will have improvement from where you're at now. I was a little skeptical of the "thickening" and further growth after 7-8 months out from HT #2, but then was pleasantly surprised at how much better my coverage was between months 9 & 12.


Thanks for the update, bro..........hang in there!



1st HT 1-18-05 - 1200 FUT's

2nd HT 2-15-06 - 3886 FUT's Dr. Wong

3rd HT 4-24-08 - 2415 FUT's Dr. Wong




current regimen: 1.25mg finasteride every other day


My Hair Loss Weblog


Disclaimer: I'm not a Doctor (and have never played one on TV ;) ) and have no medical training. Any information I share here is in an effort to help those who don't like hair loss.

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Hopefully the HT and Propecia will be kicking in at the same time. I started Propecia 1 month before the HT.


I looked at your Feb07 pics--it's really impressive. HUGE difference from the pre-ht pics. Congrats.


My Hair Loss Weblog


Dr. True 9/22/06

4326 grafts

2129 1's

2168 2's

6545 Total Hairs

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Your donor in 6m pics looks like propecia is helping, thats a huge thing in your case. I like your hairline design , stay patient I am pulling for you...for me month 9 has brought much more thickness to the hairs hopefully you will get to there w/12 full months. Like many others I would suggest a second pass if infact hairgreed has got the best of you. But it does look very natural... hope for you (and it will IMO m6 still really really early) continued improvement.



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Hopefully, I will look back in a few months and wondering why I was worrying. It truly helps hearing from people that been there!

Thanks for the encouragement and comments.

Happy growing/thickening.



My Hair Loss Weblog


Dr. True 9/22/06

4326 grafts

2129 1's

2168 2's

6545 Total Hairs

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Glad I was able to help man. But remember...as everyone else is saying....6 months is still early...there is more to come. Don't give it a full evaluation until at least 12 months...yep, that's another 6 months that you have to give it. In the meantime...try not to worry, enjoy the hair as it's coming in. And the best way to enjoy the hair is to go out there and live your life icon_wink.gif. But don't forget about us :P



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I experience the most FULLNESS at the 8 -10 month period. 6 months was nothing for me just hair .. At 12 months it was 3 xtimes as good than 6 months..


Gotta wait like everyone else ( me included arrrrghhhhh)



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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