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Good surgeon for less $?


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Hey guys I'm 25 and just got a quote at Bosley here in Houston and they want like $9k for an 1100 graft procedure. I've been looking online at places in Mexico, but I'm a lil leary about that. I'm not super rich but I am willing to fly wherever if I can get a good procedure done for a cheaper price. Recommendations?


Here's my current photo and my photoshopped version of what I'm wanting.


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  • Regular Member

Hey guys I'm 25 and just got a quote at Bosley here in Houston and they want like $9k for an 1100 graft procedure. I've been looking online at places in Mexico, but I'm a lil leary about that. I'm not super rich but I am willing to fly wherever if I can get a good procedure done for a cheaper price. Recommendations?


Here's my current photo and my photoshopped version of what I'm wanting.

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  • Senior Member

WOW! Can you do that photo shop on some of my pictures if I send them to you? pretty impressive.


First off: stay the HELL away from Bosley...plenty more people will be getting in on this post and they will second this.

Second, getting a hair transplant isnt like buying a cheeseburger...your not going to shit it out in 20 minutes. Its going to be on your head (just above your eyes) for the REST of your life. So you dont want to go to a doc whose going to take coupons or anything like that...(by the way I dont even eat the tacos in Mexico let alone let them stick a blade in my head). Dont do it based on price...if you cant afford it, then wait until you can. You could end up in a far WORSE situation then your currently in (i.e. totally unatural looking appearance and a hidieous scar)...

That being said, check out the coalition docs recommended on this forum (click on the picture that says 'coalition docs' in the upper left hand site of this page).


SERIOUSLY!!!! Do NOT do this procedure for someone based on price!!!! Just check out the horror stories on this and other blogs. Your better off just going bald.

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  • Senior Member

ng2gb gave you good advice; also, are you taking propecia? It appears you have somewhat of a diffuse pattern in which propecia could be beneficial; also do you have more pics, differant angles etc. so we can get a better idea of your loss; it is kind of hard to tell from the pic; 9K for 1100 grafts is a rip off; that is close to 9$ per graft; plus 1100 is a small procedure by todays standards; you would not be happy with 1100 grafts, and you would go back for another procedure a year later to add more density; the coalition doc charge 4-5$ per graft and the cost/graft decreases if you have a larger session

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Guest wanthairs

Well, well, well,


The agony of choice...Bosley or Mexican surgeons.........


$9000 for 1100 grafts is a seething rip off....


save yourself 9 grand and just slice up your head and deform the flesh yourself, thereby achiveing asimilar result to what Bosley will give you....


Seriously, Look at some coalition docs and have 3 consults....Your hair looks great, btw.....get on meds for a year and just hold off, you dont need anything....

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Nice photoshop! Keep developing that technology and you'll be richer than paul mccartney. When we can get up in the morning and put the noggin' in the HPHP3000 (Hewlett Packer Head Printer 3000)how happy we will be! Meanwhile, I did a procedure with too few grafts (1700) at MHR at $3.90 per. While I feel I got lucky and got a pretty good surgeon, for MHR, as my donor scar is practically invisible and there are now hairs enjoying the sunlight out on the front porch for a change, I would have been willing to pay more if necessary to get the job I wanted in one go.


I took out a small loan to pay for my surgery with a manageable monthly payment and no interest if paid off in one year. I have 4 months to finish paying, and I get offers from credit card companies every day for no interest balance transfers if I need to take a little longer than that. Take the money you'd spend on the flight, hotel, longterm parking, Spanish for beginners,strippers, etc, and roll it into your surgery.


dhoose75's recommendation of propecia is a good idea since your current hairline is 'distinguished' rather than AWOL. Try it for a year while you shop around.


ng2nb is right. Avoid the tacos! icon_smile.gif




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  • Regular Member

Sweet, thanks for the expediant responses guys. Yeah I've been photoshopping for a while, and I have enough hair still there to copy from icon_smile.gif Speakin of, I'll attach more pix.

Yeah I thought Bosley seemed a little high, and I know cosmetic surgery isn't something you wanna cheap out on. But $9k when my hair isn't even THAT bad sounded rediculous to me.

I've tried propecia in the past (Actually I got a script for proscar and cut it into quarters, much cheaper hehe) and I really couldn't tell if it was slowing it down or not since the result is so difficult to measure.

I'll check the coalition guys and do my research. Is there anyone near Texas y'all might recommend? (thats right I said "y'all")


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Welcome to our community. The members of our community have given you some good advice. Do dilligent research before deciding on a physician. You might want to use the "find" feature of our community on Bosley to see what our members and previous patients are saying.


I would suggest consulting with Dr. Bobby Limmer or Dr. Brad Limmer who are members of our coalition. Doctors who are members of the coalition have proven to be the best of the best and must meet and maintain our high level of membership standards.


You know, as a side note...


These photoshop pictures are excellent but also is the reason why hair loss sufferers seeking hair transplantation must be extremely careful when selecting a physician. This is why one should make a decision not just based on viewing clinical website photos, but by viewing and looking for consistency in many patient documented photos.


Best wishes,



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  • Regular Member

There was a HT doc in NY who was accused of having sanitation workers transplant the grafts and take post op calls. I am not kidding.


What if he was charging $1.58/graft? Would you let him perform surgery? Go for the best proven MD you can afford or wait until you can pay for the procedure.

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  • Senior Member

Well one thing you can take comfort in: if you decide to go to a "discount doc" you will probably discover 6 months after the surgery that he was most assuredly just as skilled at photo shop as you are. not a calming thought in my opinion.

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  • Senior Member

$9.00 per strip graft is very high. I think you will find that the best independent hair docs in the world charge about half that. The minimally invasive technology employed by the better hair docs not only enables a more elegant and natural result, but it also promotes better overall graft survival.


By the way, you look like you have generalized thinning versus well defined bald areas. If you can increase the hair diameter with medical therapy, even a little, you may find that your hair coverage is cosmetically improved. How long were you on Proscar?

Notice: I am an employee of Dr. Paul Rose who is recommended on this community. I am not a doctor. My opinions are not necessarily those of Dr. Rose. My advice is not medical advice.


Dr. Rose is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

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I tried proscar pretty steadily for about two years. Now that I've stopped taking it I think the balding MAY have increased the rate at which it was occuring, but its really hard to tell over such a long time frame.

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Now that I've stopped taking it I think the balding MAY have increased the rate at which it was occuring, but its really hard to tell over such a long time frame.


This is typical. Stopping any hair loss medication will result in the loss of its benefits.


Is there any reason you have stopped taking Proscar?



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