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donar area still sore

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At day 23, some soreness can still exist but it should be waning off soon. You can experience numbness for up to a few more months in the area, even under the best of conditions.


I'm concerned when you say, "when I workout or do a lot of physical activity." You should really watch putting pressure on the area by exerting yourself. Heavy weight-training exercises such as deadlifts, squats, etc. can possibly stretch the scar. Even sit-ups can pull the area. Use good judgement in deciding what exercises to perform and how much to exert in each exercise.





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Hi Gett


I am an avid lifter as well and actually just had a procedure.. We need to take it easy on the intensity. Remember, we just had the back of our head cut open and it needs to heal. When you go heavy, there is a lot of pressure involved ( especially if you don't exhale correctly) Just lower your load by about 20% and you should be fine. I will as well



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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I would say talk to your doctor ASAP about this....at 5 months post op, as far as I know, you should be experiencing no pain or numbness anymore. I have had two surgeries, and I'd say that I felt completely normal by about 2 months, though there was little to no pain even way before that...but I'd say by 2 months, all sensation has returned to 100% normal.



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I'm at day 26 and I feel less pain every day. I've cut my hair down to a buzz, and I wash my entire head like the normally. I only feel pain when I workout with weights or do a lot of physical activity. I've cut back on the lifting and only do cardio now. I use neosporin cream, and sometimes an ice pack when I feel pain.

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  • Regular Member
Originally posted by HopeItWasWorthIt:

I am five months post-op . . . I have the sensation of "pins and needles"...

Anyone else have this?


. . . For what it's worth - and as a temporal comparison - I'm also 5 months post-op and would have to report that for the more 'mature student' (50+) the healing process can be quite prolonged. It must be said that it took all of 5 months to regain total 'normality' at the excision site - so maybe your case is not unique (although you haven't stated your age). I would only be concerned if there has NOT been a progressive improvement through each successive month.


Best regards.

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I will be 38 in a few days.... Anyway I didn't mention that when I had the staples removed the staples on the right side came right out with no pain what-so-ever. The left side, that was another story.


At one point I wanted to turn around and break his arm in two because it hurt so bad. And no, the doctor didn't remove them, it was, well I am not exactly sure who he is, took them out. He did leave the room half way through to call the doctor on the phone and there was a debate on whether or not to leave them in another day or two. My staples were in a total of 10 days I recall. At any rate, I just clenched my teeth, and had them all removed. I know what you're all thinking, and yes I will make an appointment in a week or so and see what they have to say.... I remember them mentioning the "possibility" of doing some "touch-up" work in January .....ummmm I don't think so, least of all not at that place.

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Oh and on another note....this regards "professionalism"...


When I first went in for my consultation, I asked if I could meet any of their former patients, or at the very least see pictures of their work. The response I got back was: "would you want just anyone to call you up and ask to see you?" and in regards to seeing photos I was told something about "patient privacy". Now for the good part...


Several hours into my procedure, the "salesman" who gave me a lecture on patient privacy comes walking into the room with a prospective client to "observe a procedure being done"....(and no, no one asked my permission to do that).


When I went back in to have my staples removed I did call him on this, to which his reply was "well, he was hesitant on whether or not to have a transplant and I told him that I could save him a couple thousand dollars if he went right after you were done." (mind you, I apparently paid to have the two technicians flown in from out of town, and this was the "savings" this other guy was going to benefit from because I had already paid for their travel expenses). Mind you, he followed up with "well, let us know if you want any touch up work done, and we will schedule you back-to-back with someone else, which will save you some money the next time"......


Any comments out there............????

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