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does your choice of doctor influence hair growth speed

Guest josh - b

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Guest josh - b

Hi everyone,


Does your choice of doctor and the doctors individual style have any influence on how fast your transplanted hairs grow in?


I'm assuming it doesn't make a difference but i thought i'd ask.


Also, what is the survival rate of transplanted grafts? Most docs seem to post 90-95% survival rate on their wesites. Is this realistic?

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Guest josh - b

Hi everyone,


Does your choice of doctor and the doctors individual style have any influence on how fast your transplanted hairs grow in?


I'm assuming it doesn't make a difference but i thought i'd ask.


Also, what is the survival rate of transplanted grafts? Most docs seem to post 90-95% survival rate on their wesites. Is this realistic?

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  • Senior Member

Not that I am aware of. There is no magic bullet for speedier hair growth. Hair is just dead protein so make sure you are getting a high protein diet because that is what will help hair grow and be strong. Some studies suggest that soy protein actually caused the hair to grow faster.


Dr. Epstein July 4, 2007

2520 grafts

471 one hair grafts

1540 two hair grafts

505 three hair grafts

5070 Total hair count


Dr. Epstein August 4, 2008

2384 grafts

870 one hair grafts

1150 two hair grafts

364 three and four hair grafts

4262 Total hair count


Dr. Ron Shapiro November 18, 2009

1896 grafts

760 one hair grafts

852 two hair grafts

288 three hair grafts

46 four hair grafts

3362 total hair count


Dr. Ron Shapiro July 1, 2011

1191 grafts

447 one hair grafts

580 two hair grafts

150 three hair grafts

14 four hair grafts

2113 total hair count

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Your first question is an interesting one. Wheras the choice of a doctor wouldn't have anything to do with it, I suspect that certain techniques might impact growth times, however minimally. The only one that I can think of that might impact this, assuming the grafts were handled with care and not damaged, is the depth of the incision.


I also wonder if grafts surrounded by more tissue "chubby" grafts rather than "skinny" grafts would impact growth times.


That being said, through observation, I have concluded is has a lot more to do with an individual's physiology than a technique. I can conclude this simply because the data reveals that there are "fast" and "slow" growers from every clinic.


I believe 90-95% growth yield is realistic in the hands of a first-rate hair restoration physician.



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