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Need advice on using Graftcyte and Rogaine use following my HT

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I'm preparing for the "after care" of my FU's following my HT in June.


I have read a LOT about Graftcyte and how it helps speed the recovery and safely shed scabs. I also have read that it may not be necessary.


I also read that many top Docs are recommending the use of Rogaine for 3 months following surgery to help prevent shock loss.


Since this is my 1st HT, I want to do it 100% right from start to finish.


Is this a wise combo to use after the HT? It would seem that maybe the Graftcyte is best used until scabs are gone and then use the Rogaine....what is the popular opinion of the Docs and experienced HT patienst here????



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  • Senior Member

I'm preparing for the "after care" of my FU's following my HT in June.


I have read a LOT about Graftcyte and how it helps speed the recovery and safely shed scabs. I also have read that it may not be necessary.


I also read that many top Docs are recommending the use of Rogaine for 3 months following surgery to help prevent shock loss.


Since this is my 1st HT, I want to do it 100% right from start to finish.


Is this a wise combo to use after the HT? It would seem that maybe the Graftcyte is best used until scabs are gone and then use the Rogaine....what is the popular opinion of the Docs and experienced HT patienst here????



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After my first HT, I used nothing. I took almost for weeks for all the scabs to dissappear (I had a couple of larger than normal scabs).


After my second HT, I asked my doctor for a bottle of Saline (this is what is used during surgery). I sprayed once or twice every hour. A huge difference. Scabs were gone with the 10 days (probably sooner now that I think about it).



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Graphcyte for 5 days post op seemed to work well for me in the healing process. Majority of the scabs were off in about 10 days or so. It was also kind of soothing in a way, I actually couldn't wait it use it every 30 min to an hour. My doc recommended Rogaine for 2 months, starting 1 week after the procedure, which is what I'm doing. I probably will never be a definitively determine if it helps, I'm doing it regardless as recommended.

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Especially if you don't live near the ocean. I used graftcyte for the first 2 days and it worked great. My HT doc told me to take a swim in the ocean 4 days after surgery and the salt water would promote healing. That made sense to me because in the past whenever I had a serious cut or scabbing I let mother nature (The Beach) speed up the healing process. I even went so far as to bottle some ocean water and spray it on occassionally my Ht. It seems to be working great so far and you can't beat the price.

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You're luck you live that close to the ocean. I've been using graftcyte since my procedure on June 20th, and I would say that today being the 6th day, I have lost 80% of the scabs. I think the stuff works great. The FU's are growing like crazy, although I think that will stop soon as they should fall out in the next 2-3 weeks. I think the next few weeks will be interesting as the FU's fall out, and the redness disappears, I just wish the original hair would grow much faster, although I can't complain because it has been growing a lot the last week. I think graftcyte is great, but if the ocean was closer than an hour away and about 20 degrees warmer I would certainly drag my pasty white ass down there and get some natural healing.


Good luck on your journey.



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