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Certain Questions

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  • Regular Member

Out of respect to the many fine HT docs in this coalition, I'm having a bit of difficulty determining which type of questions would be appropiate to ask on the forum here without setting up an unintentional adversarial "he's better than she is" discussion. I've PM'ed pat some of these type questions and am waiting to here his answwrs to those questions and whether they would be proper to post on the forum.


A couple of questions that should be okay though are:


One of the docs I;m HIGHLY considering based on some input here doesn't have a website- hence no way one can view photos or anything else about his work or practice- how would y'all proceed with that?


Some people do not have the funds to travel around North America to do in-person consults. If a potential client had a list of 6 docs around the country, but financially can only see 3, what is the best way to give the other three a "fair shake" of me possibly being their patient?


What is the protocol on the forum here with contacting other members who have had an HT to meet in person? (there are3 members here i would really love to talk to, based on thier posts and geographical area!)


Is it standard for all of the coalition doctors to make available (based on scheduling, of course) other HT patients that a potential new client can meet?



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  • Regular Member

Out of respect to the many fine HT docs in this coalition, I'm having a bit of difficulty determining which type of questions would be appropiate to ask on the forum here without setting up an unintentional adversarial "he's better than she is" discussion. I've PM'ed pat some of these type questions and am waiting to here his answwrs to those questions and whether they would be proper to post on the forum.


A couple of questions that should be okay though are:


One of the docs I;m HIGHLY considering based on some input here doesn't have a website- hence no way one can view photos or anything else about his work or practice- how would y'all proceed with that?


Some people do not have the funds to travel around North America to do in-person consults. If a potential client had a list of 6 docs around the country, but financially can only see 3, what is the best way to give the other three a "fair shake" of me possibly being their patient?


What is the protocol on the forum here with contacting other members who have had an HT to meet in person? (there are3 members here i would really love to talk to, based on thier posts and geographical area!)


Is it standard for all of the coalition doctors to make available (based on scheduling, of course) other HT patients that a potential new client can meet?



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