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Whats up guys!? You wont find me posting much on here but Im always reading what others have to say. But...if you remember reading anything I posted previously. I mentioned about my second procedure with Bosley going all wrong ( long story why I went to them again but I didnt know much then, now I have this site and you guys ;p ) Im following up with a 3rd procedure. Ive chosen Dr. True as my doctor for a 1400 graft procedure. Im actually going under the knife this Friday and was coming on here to hopefully gain some encouragement, advice (you can never know enough) and to just speak out a bit. Especially because "no one" knows about this, Ive kept all my transplants top secret the "best" I could and seemed to come away with it pretty well. Except now because I have a hairline transplant my first time, density my second which stricly created mass shockloss and am now diffuse thinning behind my hairline which doesnt look to good or natural on the eye so hopefully Dr. True and his staff will bring me back to confidence level (in hopefully 6 or so months hehe)

Anyone care to throw some feedback my way icon_smile.gif ?

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  • Senior Member

Whats up guys!? You wont find me posting much on here but Im always reading what others have to say. But...if you remember reading anything I posted previously. I mentioned about my second procedure with Bosley going all wrong ( long story why I went to them again but I didnt know much then, now I have this site and you guys ;p ) Im following up with a 3rd procedure. Ive chosen Dr. True as my doctor for a 1400 graft procedure. Im actually going under the knife this Friday and was coming on here to hopefully gain some encouragement, advice (you can never know enough) and to just speak out a bit. Especially because "no one" knows about this, Ive kept all my transplants top secret the "best" I could and seemed to come away with it pretty well. Except now because I have a hairline transplant my first time, density my second which stricly created mass shockloss and am now diffuse thinning behind my hairline which doesnt look to good or natural on the eye so hopefully Dr. True and his staff will bring me back to confidence level (in hopefully 6 or so months hehe)

Anyone care to throw some feedback my way icon_smile.gif ?

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Congratulations on choosing a first-rate hair restoration physician to perform your hair transplant surgery.


You will be in the best of hands.


Friday comes soon - so do your best to relax and follow all pre-op and post-op instructions provided by Dr. True. If you haven't received them already - be sure to call and ask for them.


I hope you'll create a hair loss weblog to share your journey with us.


Best wishes,



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  • Senior Member



you are in good hands with Dr. True and his staff. As you can see I have had all 3 prodcedures with him and I am VERY happy. You don't hear about him as much as other docs on here but I feel many of his clients in NYC are quite private as I am .. Good luck and tell them Mrjb said hello



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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Diamond light.


Can you please tell me about your second procedure which resulted in shockloss?


How many grafts, what area of the head?


Did you mostly experience shock loss of your existing hairs? or even the transplanted hairs?


What do you think caused all that shock loss and how significant was it?


What would you recommend to avoid shockloss?

Are you doing anything different this time?



Do you have some pics which demonstrate the shock loss from your second proceedure?

did you have alot of shockloss from your first proceedure?



Good luck with your next transplant.

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My second procedure was a density procedure of 800 grafts to frontal hairline and just behind


Most loss was existing but mostly probable to fall out. Possibly not though because shortly after I started on finasteride, anyways it also seemed of a few transplanted hairs, very noticeable too because hairline is mostly 1's.


I think what caused the shockloss was his lack of caring about that fact and just jamming the knife rapidly punching away almost to just get it over with as fast as possible. So the shock I can say to the surrounding hairs was immense.


As i've read being on finasteride for a year or more is a great way to reduce shockless as the finasteride builds strength in the follicle to stand strong. Minoxidil doesnt hurt either but that gives me headaches : /


Only thing different is Ive been on Finasteride since September and using Nizoral for about a month now. Wish I could of started earlier but I hope it helps! Unfortunately I dont have any pix of my previous procedures and I didnt recieve must shockloss at all first time around because it was mainly recreating a hairline and was away from the bulk of my hair icon_smile.gif


Hope this helps, any questions feel free to pm and thankyou for the back up ;p Hopefully I can smile real big in 5months haha

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