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How many grafts?

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i think on avg its anywhere from 90-110 grafts per sq cm.


the illusion of full head can be achieved with 40 grafts per sq cm. this will depend on your hair quality.


realsitically speaking i think it would be closer to 60 - 70.


Now the amount you get will depend on donor supply ie the back of your head. this you will have to do a consult with a doctor.



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I just realized that the thread I posted doesn't exactly answer your question...but it might be helpful anyway...




Since I misinterpreted your question the first time...let me answer it this way:


We can hold a LOT more hair in our recipient area than our donor can provide. I can't remember the average number of follicles held in a NW 6 region, maybe someone else can help me out, but I'd guess maybe 25,000 to 30,000 FUs. So clearly with a finite donor supply, there is only so much to work with which is why graft positioning is extremely important. Rarely can one with a lot of hair loss achieve great density AND coverage. One is always sacrificed for the other...unless a particular patient has a LOT of donor! There are some patients who have had over 10,000 grafts placed...and their hair looks amazing. But it's still not as thick as someone with all of their native hair before loss.


I hope this helps.



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