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Hi everyone, just a quick post because it's late.


I had my 1st hair transplant at the end of Feb. 2008. I am 20 years old and was not actually losing hair but rather have a family trait in our males that gives us a very high forehead and receeding on the sides. I have had my hair like this since I was 12 or so.


I decided I had to act. I know a lot of you on here do not like MHR or Doctor Leavitt. But I personally had my surgery with him and felt I was treated amazing and given a great price. MHR did not want to even do the surgery at first because of my age, but after seeing family photos and seeing the family hairline, Doctor Leavitt agreed to proceed.


I am going to post before and after ( 6 and 8 months in) in the next few days. All I can say is I felt amazing in their care, and was treated with respect and honesty.


I do have questions concerning Propecia or better yet Finpecia. Is it safe to buy this offline and take this, is it the same?


Also if I take close up pics of my new hairline now and show you pics from day of surgery cana anyone tell me if they think 1500 grats were really put in and are still there? Any help would be amazing. Thank and talk to you soon...

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Hi everyone, just a quick post because it's late.


I had my 1st hair transplant at the end of Feb. 2008. I am 20 years old and was not actually losing hair but rather have a family trait in our males that gives us a very high forehead and receeding on the sides. I have had my hair like this since I was 12 or so.


I decided I had to act. I know a lot of you on here do not like MHR or Doctor Leavitt. But I personally had my surgery with him and felt I was treated amazing and given a great price. MHR did not want to even do the surgery at first because of my age, but after seeing family photos and seeing the family hairline, Doctor Leavitt agreed to proceed.


I am going to post before and after ( 6 and 8 months in) in the next few days. All I can say is I felt amazing in their care, and was treated with respect and honesty.


I do have questions concerning Propecia or better yet Finpecia. Is it safe to buy this offline and take this, is it the same?


Also if I take close up pics of my new hairline now and show you pics from day of surgery cana anyone tell me if they think 1500 grats were really put in and are still there? Any help would be amazing. Thank and talk to you soon...

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Look forward to seeing your pics leo. Glad to hear that you had a good experience and a good result from MHR.


Some people here do order finpecia/propecia/proscar online. Personally, I did not want to take a chance and got a presctiption from a dermatologist for generic proscar (which you cut at home). I know that I am getting the real thing, but like I said there are people who do get it from various websites.



My initial HT thread:

done and done!! Check it out...

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