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When Will I be Back To Normal?


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Wondering how long does it take after an HT to return to more or less how you were before you had it done? ie. scar not noticeable, hair length grown back from the surgeon shaving the recipient area, shock loss gone, minimal redness... etc.





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Wondering how long does it take after an HT to return to more or less how you were before you had it done? ie. scar not noticeable, hair length grown back from the surgeon shaving the recipient area, shock loss gone, minimal redness... etc.





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Salute Danger -- a man with the same middle name as me! I agree with HairBeThere that minimal redness should be attained in 1 - 2 months. As far as the hair growing back in the shaved recipient area, figure on the general growth rate rule of thumb of 1/2 inch (1.27 cm) per month. You need to do the math because I don't know what your normal hair length is. Finally, the shock loss should be expected to resolve itself in 4 - 6 months. The return of the shocked donor-area hair as well as allowing your original hair to grow to 3/4+ inches are the primary factors for your donor scar becoming unnoticable (in my opinion). Let it heal... let it grow...


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Receipent redness should be gone in 2-4 weeks tops. The donor scar will not completely be healed until 12 months-- some scars take 18months to get to the mature level. Your scalp should regain feeling in 3 months. Your hair grows at 1/4 inch a month on average-- take 3,000MSM 3x a day and help speed up growth. So the time to be "normal" again depends on if you had your head shaved and how long your hair currently is.

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The recipient redness is very dependent on the transplant density and amount of coverage. High density (~40 grafts/cm2) over a moderate to large area may take SEVERAL months for the redness to go away.


In my case I had high density and moderately large coverage (entire front half). I assume if my 1600 grafts had been spread out over the entire top my redness would have gone away much faster. However after 3 months I still have visible redness. Enough to where people still ask if I got too much sun last weekend.


My recommendations:


Take MSM at 1000mg 5 to 10 minutes before each meal (3g/day). This timing avoids the dreaded stomach burn. It will typically make your hair and nails grow 50% to 100% faster.


Use Mederma on the recipient area 3x or 4x per day for 3 months. This is the ONLY thing I found that helped after also trying witch hazel and aloe vera. Use it ASAP after surgery, but after all wounds are no longer open. This means > 2 weeks after surgery.

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