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crown work


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Hi all, Firstly i just want to say what a fantastic site icon_biggrin.gif I have monitoring this site for months now and have decided to join up to be able to post comments etc. I am currently considering a HT for crown work and have been told it takes longer to see the finished results there than say getting frontal work done on the hairline. Is this true? Also i want to say a big thank you to everyone who has contributed there opinions and advice regarding HT Doctors as this has helped me narrow done the choices i have to a couple.. thanks again

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Welcome to our community forum.


Delayed growth in the crown can be true but isn't true for everyone. I have yet to hear an explanation as to why this is the case, but many patient's have complained about delayed hair growth in the crown. Perhaps a physician can chime in as to why this is the case?


Take your time, do some research, and select a physician who have a proven history of producing quality results.


To see a list of all who we recommend, click here.



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