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I am 30 yo with a receding hair line. I started losing hair 3 yrs ago (runs in the family) and before it got really bad, I went to HCM for their system.


While I have heard lot of bad things about the so-called RUG, I have had a good experience with it and no one has been able to even suspect that I have a rug on my head. I've had no problems with hair quality or the rug coming out/blown away or any other issues. Only downside that I can think of is the costs.


However, recently I was asked by HCM whether I wanted to get HT done. I am totally new to this concept and would like to hear from you guys about this experience. Has any HCM member got HT done from them? i was told that I would be able to wear the system with clips until I saw growth and it was healed. I understand I won't get the thickness of a rug that I actually like with a HT, but I am scared that it might be too thin for my liking.


Alao, I find it strange that I haven't met the doc and have been dealing with the HT person at HCM. She has been trying to make me sign on the credit app and set an appt, so I can start the process w/o actually meeting the doc? Is that normal?


What all should I look out for? Questions that I need to ask that a new HT candidate might not think of?


Also, is it better to wait few more years before I get a HT? I think I am fine with the system and my girlfriend that I am planning to marry next year knows about it and supports me either way.


I was told I would need at least 2500 grafts and they charge $4/graft I think. My only issue is whether it is too early to get HT and since they shaved my head of top where they put my system, not sure if 2500 grafts would be enough.


Any suggestions will be helpful..thanks.

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first, I would get on finasteride to keep as much of your native hair as possible; thus, if you go the HT route in the future, this will make you a better HT candidate and enhance the overall results; I'm glad you don't mind wearing a hair system; it definitely isn't for everybody; It isn't for me; I think over time it becomes a hassle--the maintenance, the anxiety in social events, you almost have to plan your life around it; I would run as fast as you can away from HCM in regards to getting a HT; I would recommend a coaltion doc; it sounds like HCM has alterior motives, ie money, in their best interest over you, the patient; the coaltion doc are patient oriented and will not steer you in the wrong direction to make a buck; like I said, good for you that you like the system, but do not use HCM for anything more than that; also, definitely get on finasteride even if you decide to wait on a HT; it will most likely maintain your existing hair and give you better options later in regards to HT's; so in summary don't let them touch your head

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Dhoose is right on. I would not let them do a HT, they are experts at hairpieces not surgery. Do not go for the hard sell you will get form them.


I think you are correct that you will NEVER achieve the thickness with HT as you will a rug but you could get to the point where you look natural.


Also, trust me on this, some people will know that you are wearing a rug. People may be kind enough not to mention it while your thinking they don't know.


I would consult with one of the experts in the field, they are mostly in line cost wise so why not go to an expert.





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Run, don't walk. As already stated, HCM is operating to milk the most money; perhaps when dealing with pieces this isn't a total deal-breaker, however, with cosmetic surgery you need to go to a true expert, who lives and breathes HT's and has the primary concern of quality and expertise, as opposed to running a "hair mill", trying to make the biggest buck.


If you are interested in HTs, get a few consults with bonefied GREAT docs -- either online or in person. Where do you live, btw?


*A Follicles Dying Wish To Clinics*

1 top-down, 1 portrait, 1 side-shot, 1 hairline....4 photos. No flash.

Follicles have asked for centuries, in ten languages, as many times so as to confuse a mathematician.

Enough is enough! Give me documentation or give me death!

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Thanks guys.


I travel between LA and Orlando. So, either location would work for me. LA Would be better tho.


Any good HT doctors that you can recommend? I wasn't sure if they would be able to work with my HCM "rug" so I was more inclined to get it at HCM, since they will provide me with a new system to wear during the HT process and time it takes to see the growth.


I'm not sure if I can get HT somewhere else and then have HCM provide me a rug to cover for the time it takes to see the growth back.

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I'm glad to hear you've had positive expeiences with your piece. I tend to fall into the mindset that I can always pick out someone wearing a hair piece/system. I'm probably wrong and maybe it's similar to HT's where the only ones you notice are the bad ones.


Lot's of great DR's and don't be afraid to travel for a good Dr. Here's some to start looking into. These are in no particalar order. Just what come to mind right now from what I've seen.


Hasson & Wong - Vancouver B.C

Dr. Shapiro - MN

Dr. Alexander - AZ

Dr. Feller - NY

Dr. Gabel - OR

Dr. Rahal - Canada

Many more you'll find here as well.


On thing to think about. If HCM is only willing to work with you on your hair piece if you get an HT with them then there is something "SERIOUSLY" wrong with their ethics and they are only looking to line their own pockets. If they can work around the piece with their own HT then they can do so with any other HT doc. Just make sure you ask the GOOD HT docs about this during your consult. I'm sure they'll want you to NOT wear the piece for at least 2 weeks after the procedure.

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You have been given some excellent advice from many of our veteran forum members.


Because you seem to travel great distances, you are less restricted by location (which is a good thing).


I encourage you to research all physicians you are considering.


For a complete list of who we recommend, click here.


Best wishes,



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