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Bad and good

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I already had hair transplantation. The good thing with that is that it is permanent solution. The really BAD thing is that there is a limit to the density it could give ! You cannot be like Homer Simpsons and become like Bill Clinton with hair transplantation !

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I already had hair transplantation. The good thing with that is that it is permanent solution. The really BAD thing is that there is a limit to the density it could give ! You cannot be like Homer Simpsons and become like Bill Clinton with hair transplantation !

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  • Senior Member

The bad is that most of the quacks that do this turn Bill Clinton into Homer Simpson. Thanks for the insight.

A-hole the permenent solution? To what ? Ongoing commission?


The only density issue I see is that of gullible patients that get quacked.

That is usually because of the ; doctor and a slimy consultant?

We have heard them all. HLH might be a good place for you to go play. It might cost but very tolerant to this type of B>S.

A hair on the head is worth two on the brush.

I don't work for commision.. I bust e'm for free. Thank me later.

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You are correct.


One has to measure a delicate balance of coverage verses density, depending on your level of hair loss.


I've written a post on this...feel free to check it out:


Will I be able to obtain a full head of hair?





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