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insulting millions who have had the strip surgery method


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DHI (http://www.dhiglobal.com) ,which claims to be one of the world's leading hair restoration clinics, is located in Athens and has branches in a few major capital cities in Europe. After 30 years of performing tens of thousands of the strip hair trnasplantaion procedure , including 3 excellent sessions performed on me,they are now telling the world that they have stopped performing this outdated , ugly and MAJOR surgical procedure in favor of the so called direct hair transfer technique . I have no problem with that , I have had one session of this procedure myself, my problem is that after 30 years of telling patients how safe and excellent was the strip method they are now showing ugly pictures of shaven head showing ugly scars . The pictures are so ugly that I nearly vometed.This is a cheap marketing ploy so unethical and is barbaric and manifests a cheap way of betraying thousands who have undergone the strip method at DHI and millions world-wide.

I need to start a cmpaign to force DHI to remove those ugly pictures. Just visit the site to see for yourselves. I need your support,


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DHI (http://www.dhiglobal.com) ,which claims to be one of the world's leading hair restoration clinics, is located in Athens and has branches in a few major capital cities in Europe. After 30 years of performing tens of thousands of the strip hair trnasplantaion procedure , including 3 excellent sessions performed on me,they are now telling the world that they have stopped performing this outdated , ugly and MAJOR surgical procedure in favor of the so called direct hair transfer technique . I have no problem with that , I have had one session of this procedure myself, my problem is that after 30 years of telling patients how safe and excellent was the strip method they are now showing ugly pictures of shaven head showing ugly scars . The pictures are so ugly that I nearly vometed.This is a cheap marketing ploy so unethical and is barbaric and manifests a cheap way of betraying thousands who have undergone the strip method at DHI and millions world-wide.

I need to start a cmpaign to force DHI to remove those ugly pictures. Just visit the site to see for yourselves. I need your support,


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Guest Cousin_It

I did not see any of these repulsive photos, but I did find it interesting. I would be interested in finding out more of their improvement on the FUE procedure, though probably going by info posted on the web about this company its probably a lot of BS.


BTW...I believe Abdulla is actually an employee of the clinic, so caution is advised to any members interested, be careful

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For what it is worth I agree with you Cousin_it, it does sound like this is possibly an employee trying to market a product, but hey I could be wrong (I could not find the pict's that they referred to either).


One thing to remember is some people still believe publicly is publicly whether it is bad or good especially if it creates a buzz and a conversation.

Smiling & laughing does wonders for the soul!

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I saw the pictures, you have to navigate the site a bit, the most disturbing one is the opened scalp before strip closure .... the others are just obvious scars form previous strip HT's and what looks like a reduction but the patients are shaved so obviously .... Why would you do that anyway? (I mean shave this way to reveal your scars)

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I never was able to find the pictures either so I guess what is the harm if they are that hidden. icon_wink.gif


I understand the point and agree with the poster that it is unnerving when something is touted for years and then suddenly it is banished by those who use to sing its praises. I guess though you see this happen in several industries.


I thought as you did Cousin that this was actually solicitation because lets face it, it peaked my interest. icon_smile.gif



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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This is a cheap marketing ploy so unethical and is barbaric and manifests a cheap way of betraying thousands who have undergone the strip method at DHI and millions world-wide.


It started out like a solicitation I thought, however, this part of his message made it sound that he is speaking against DHI which I can understand.


Anyway...when I have time, perhaps I'll look around the site and try to find these mystery pics.



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the link below is posted as an informational link about DHI verses FUE. Personally, I think there are some major issues here and their description of DHI is very vague making extreme but general claims. Link and my comments below:




I personally like how they try to make it sound like it's a good thing that they only extract single hair follicles instead of follicular unit grafts. Using single hairs in all areas of the scalp and not follicular units will make for a sparse and thin look, besides the fact that it may damage the hair follicle by removing the hair follicle from it's follicular unit family.


Anyway....I don't know anything about this DHI technique...but it sounds extremely fishy to me.



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Ok, I found the pictures that has been hyped. these pictures have to be some kind of joke. Open the attachment at your own risk...not for the faint of heart. I must inform everyone who is new reading this, that this is NOT how a strip scar looks after surgery. These pictures do accurately show the strip removed and the area stapled, however, you are not left with zig zag, circular scars all over your head. You are left with one fine scar assuming you see a top doctor.




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Guest Cousin_It

So that is what he was referring to. I kind of like the design work on the last guys head, very artistic. If he wears his hair really short he may get some compliments!

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My dear I am not an employee of DHI .I am a Qatari citizen.I am someone who feels betrayed by greedy con-men who have no appreciaton for others' feelings. Any way they can't offer me the kind of income I earn in my country as a top business executive ( would not accept a position that pays less than US$600,000 per year and that is tax free). But on Direct Hair Implant , I had one session and didn't like it because it doesn't give enough volume . It causes the doner area to stay red and irritated for months , is extremely expensive and they fool people by removing hair from the chest back, armpit and genatile areas which can,t really survive up there. My brother lost all the hair implanted from those areas.

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Originally posted by Cousin_It:

So that is what he was referring to. I kind of like the design work on the last guys head, very artistic. If he wears his hair really short he may get some compliments!


I can't believe you said that. The second-to-last guy's design is far superior. Not only is the central artistry more uniform and coherent, but it extends upward with abstract flairs of freestyle reminiscent of Picasso and Kirchner. A masterpiece, if you ask me.


My blog.


HT1: 4063 grafts by Dr. Hasson, 12/9/03


HT2: 3537 grafts by Dr. Hasson, 5/15/06


Total grafts: 7,600

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It sounds like DHI (the MHR of Europe) is using the old sales/marketing tactic that launched FUE years ago - selling by fomenting fear of the terrible donor scar.


The early marketers of FUE (before responsible physicians got involved) sold FUE based on fear and grandstanding. It worked very well for them and at ten plus dollars a graft they made a fortune.


Fortunately today there are responsible physicians who offer FUE and BHT without over selling its benefits or selling it by fomenting exaggerated fears. These FUE physicians are recommended on this site.


Best wishes, Pat

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hi all

i have had fue with dhi 2 years ago

i had 650 grafts approx 1040 hairs placed in

crown ,some in old scars and some in middle

of my hairline.

i had approx 100 hairs survive,very poor.

dhi charged me per hair,so when they removed a fue with 3 hairs i was charged 15 euros or 5 euroes if only 1 hair.

i am very disapointed with the result i got from them and when i tried contacting them they bounce my emails and the top guy never rings me back as his staff say he will.

i am about a norwood 2/3 and would not recomend anyone going to them.

they are cr*p

i am seeing dr feller at the end of this month in england as i have met quita a few of his patients and liked what i saw.

i post as bigmac on uk forum,i called myself chucky on here as my bird reckons the hair in my crown from previous surgeries sticks up and grows in any direction it feels like,just like chucky off the rugrats.

this is a great forum just like our uk one,

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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Thanks for relating your experience with DHI, sorry to hear it went that way. I read in the DHI website that they offer a GUARANTEE, how can they get away with such a low hair survival rate after extraction and transplantation and not come through on their guarantee? Did you call them on that and what was their response? When they extract a Multiple FU of say, 3 hairs, do they extract it as one FU? And do they transplant it as a single whole 3 hair FU or do they slice as 3 individual one hair FU and then transplant 3 separate FU?

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My dear I am not an employee...


I hope you are a girl, since you just called a guy "dear" icon_wink.gif.


Abdulla and Chucky,


Sounds like the DHI method that is publicized as revolutionary on their site has let both of you down...and so far, you are the only two who I've heard from that has used this clinic. As I said on other threads...the best advertisement are patients coming forward with their results which is why forums like this are so imperative to accurate research. I'm sorry to hear about your negative experiences, but thank you for sharing it here so that perspective patients that surf the forum will find that DHI isn't all that it's cracked up to be.




I actually emailed DHI last night just for kicks and have yet to receive a response. I did question them on single hair extraction rather than follicular unit graft extraction so I await their response. Interestingly enough, I DID receive a generic response this morning pointing to their website and letting me know that someone would contact me about my "interest" in DHI.



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Dear Bill,


Hope your consult goes well. Tell them you have a scar pattern like photo #1 and ask if they think that 100 DHI will cover it, as you later wanted to start fresh with a new pattern from MHR. icon_biggrin.gif



Dr.Cole,1989. ??graftcount

Dr. Ron Shapiro. Aug., 2007

Total graft count 2862

Total hairs 5495







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hi hk500

there guarantee only applies if you go back to greece every 3 months to have your progress checked.basicly its a sham.

when i had my ht done they extracted a mixture of 1/2 and 3 hair fu.

they did not disect any

approx 140 singles in hairline,about 12 grew

the rest were 2 and 3 fu which were put in my crown and old norton scars.i dont think any survived in the scars.

they never returned my calls and i could not get past their receptionist to voice my complaints.

they did not provide me with any before and after photos,when i emailed them about 10 times asking for them i received a reply some 6 weeks later saying their camera had broken that day.

basicly i fell for their lies on their website.

lihe many uk guys i searched the web for ht clinics ,these companies then pop up everywhere promising the earth.if your not clued up on the net you dont think of looking for ht forums until its too late.

you live and learn,they get rich ,you get poorer .

my next ht will be done by a proper ht doc

hi Bill i suspect they have no happy bunnies who want to post,just take a look at their testimonials

2 x strip ht`s with Norton,very poor results

1 x fue ht with DHI,very poor result

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I got a call back from DHI this am, I had e-mailed my pics and the same Dr. J. Ravid called me back. He said he was glad to speak with a patient who knew what HT is about since many patients even after several HT still do not understand the finer points. I found out they are HQ'd in Greece and he wants to schedule me for late January in Florida (their only US facility) when the world renown master who trained him will be in town (I did not get his name). I had requested a density of at least 40/cm2 in the frontal area only and some temple point and density work also, all based on 1200 FU by strip removal. He said they could easily get to 60/cm2 + thanks to their unique instruments and techniques. He agreed that would be a good count but he prefered it to be around 1500 to 2000. They can do up to 2500 in one sitting. They only count hairs and not FU's (Pat would love them icon_razz.gif ), so my 1200 FU's with strip excision is obviously not quite relevant. They will, for example, extract a 3 hair FU in one punch and transplant it in one punch, if they cannot obtain enough single hair FU (they are careful to not transplant multiple hair FU close to the hairline), they will subdivide them in single hairs and transplant them as such. The price structure is $8.00 PER HAIR, but he discounted it to $5.00 per hair for me. They have a guarantee of successful regrowth, he told me it's made public on the website and legally binding and if they did not stand behind their work he would be out of business.

I am looking forward to your comments.

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Originally posted by chucky:

hi all

i have had fue with dhi 2 years ago

i had 650 grafts approx 1040 hairs placed in

crown ,some in old scars and some in middle

of my hairline.

i had approx 100 hairs survive,very poor.

dhi charged me per hair,so when they removed a fue with 3 hairs i was charged 15 euros or 5 euroes if only 1 hair.

i am very disapointed with the result i got from them and when i tried contacting them they bounce my emails and the top guy never rings me back as his staff say he will.

i am about a norwood 2/3 and would not recomend anyone going to them.

they are cr*p

i am seeing dr feller at the end of this month in england as i have met quita a few of his patients and liked what i saw.

i post as bigmac on uk forum,i called myself chucky on here as my bird reckons the hair in my crown from previous surgeries sticks up and grows in any direction it feels like,just like chucky off the rugrats.

this is a great forum just like our uk one,


hi chucky, sorry i am new in this, just a few days! So i hope i am posting it right.

Can you post us some photos (before and after) to see the results? what do you think caused the poore survival of the hiars? Did you follow all instructions? What should i be carefull at as well? I am 24, receiding at the hairline and i am searching for different options of surgery...a friend of mine suggested DHI as the best clinic ...now you guys confused me a lot..your comments are more than wellcome...Mark

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