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Important Question for vets


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  • Regular Member

Hi, I am new to this board, I have read a lot of post overt he last few days and you guys seem to know you stuff (good thing) I am 21 (almost 22) And i have thinning hair in front. It wasnt THAT bad at 1st, But i started to use Rogaine ( 4 weeks on it now) And I lost A LOT of hair in front AND on my crown some too... I got really upset and went to MHR and was all but ready to sign up and go under the knife. Then i ran into this board. And listening to you guys changed my point of view... Thank g-d i didnt go threw it by them... Well what im trying to get at is... Do you think at my age and hair loss (NW-4 working on a 5) I should go under the knife? OR should i stick with rogaine (hope it grows back some hair or atlest holds what i got) and get some propica.. OR invest in a hair piece of what not... My Girlfriend doesn't care if im bald at 25 or not.. But i sure as hell do... I am just scared it will come out bad and i will have that scar forever.... anyway.. sorry for the rambling.. Any and ALL insite would be great! I Live in the NY area And hear good things about feller and True... Thanks for listening!

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  • Regular Member

Hi, I am new to this board, I have read a lot of post overt he last few days and you guys seem to know you stuff (good thing) I am 21 (almost 22) And i have thinning hair in front. It wasnt THAT bad at 1st, But i started to use Rogaine ( 4 weeks on it now) And I lost A LOT of hair in front AND on my crown some too... I got really upset and went to MHR and was all but ready to sign up and go under the knife. Then i ran into this board. And listening to you guys changed my point of view... Thank g-d i didnt go threw it by them... Well what im trying to get at is... Do you think at my age and hair loss (NW-4 working on a 5) I should go under the knife? OR should i stick with rogaine (hope it grows back some hair or atlest holds what i got) and get some propica.. OR invest in a hair piece of what not... My Girlfriend doesn't care if im bald at 25 or not.. But i sure as hell do... I am just scared it will come out bad and i will have that scar forever.... anyway.. sorry for the rambling.. Any and ALL insite would be great! I Live in the NY area And hear good things about feller and True... Thanks for listening!

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  • Regular Member

First off man, don't panic and do something stupid like MHR. I'm in a similar spot as you are and you need to get on propecia asap. Rogaine may help grow some hair and/or retain some, but propecia/proscar is the most secure way to go. You may shed some hair initially with it, but that will subside within a few months. At that point, stick with it for at least a year and then reevaluate how you're hair is looking. In the meantime, if you don't like the thin look, try some Topik. It works really well to eliminate any appearance of thinning. Another thing...with today's technology, it is now possible to get a HT when you are younger and for it to still look appropriate all your life. Look on this site for real doctors that can work with you on this. The combination of staying on propecia forever (and whatever future drugs that block dht). Good luck man.

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  • Regular Member

This hair that I have shedded using rogine.. will it go back ssomewhat? or did i just speed up the balding prosses?... As for propicea and rogine.. Does it ever STOP working.. lets say it works for liek a year or 2, will it work forever.. to keep the hair i have.. OR does it all of the sudden stop?... Thanks for your replys


P.S. How is Avacor? and its "DHT" blocker?

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  • Senior Member


I know how you feel although I am now a lot older than you. I started losing my hair at a young age mostly in my crown area. I didn't want to be bald at all so I started out with some pluggy grafts in the back. They didn't look pluggy at first but as I lost more hair, they began to look pretty obvious. Fortunately, the pluggy grafts were in the crown and not my hairline.

Why am I telling you this? Because HT procedures have really changed in the last few years. It is now possible to have very natural looking work done that will look good permanently. Even with continued hairloss, which you may have, a good HT will stay looking natural. Having a good hairline helps to maintain a youthful look. Rogaine is not going to help your hairline and may have sped up its departure. I would can the Rogaine and get on Proscar (cut into 4ths) or Propecia. This will hopefully save your crown area until some other drug comes along. I wouldn't consider Advodart - it's potential side-effects are way too scary. I know some people are telling you to wait and only you can decide. But why suffer hairloss at a young age when you can get your hairline permanently restored? Just make sure you pick a top doctor - there are several to be found here.

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