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Propecia Risky


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Is there anything to worry about taking propecia if ur planning on having more kids? I have twin 2 year olds and my wife and I may want another child. I don't use any drugs now, but want to use propecia, but not if their is any risk.

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Is there anything to worry about taking propecia if ur planning on having more kids? I have twin 2 year olds and my wife and I may want another child. I don't use any drugs now, but want to use propecia, but not if their is any risk.

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  • Regular Member

This is a good question. In the early days of Propecia, I recall my MD expressing concern over taking Propecia while not protecting against pregnancy. I think I recall something about a possible risk of effecting the fetus' developing genetalia or something along these lines (not sure). At that time, there was even a serious warning about a pregnant female even simply touching a Propecia tablet! I think these concerns may have died down since Propecia's been out for a while though. Perhaps an MD on this forum could comment?



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It's true that it can be absorbed through skin. I'd probably keep it in a safe or something.


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  • Senior Member

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> It's true that it can be absorbed through skin. I'd probably keep it in a safe or something.

No, that is not correct, because Propecia has a protective coating.


Maybe you are think of guys who divide up Proscar tabs. If I was trying to have kids I would only have Propecia in the house, which doesn't need to be split.

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  • 8 years later...
  • Regular Member

I personally dont think its safe to take at all, Been on it for a week, side effects are not noticeable, unless you know how to look for them~ No sex drive, limp noodle, gotta really think hard to make it work, and possibly may be growing a new set of bewbies~ FOrget this shit~ Hair loss seemingly isnt that bad~ Also, have been crazy depressed this week, but this may be due to wrestling with hairloss issues in my head as far as going forward with ht or not in light of propecia issue

Edited by Future_HT_Doc
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