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Golf after HT?

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  • Senior Member

read this thread about golf after HT and it looks like im done for 2 weeks. Bill said 3 weeks to be safe. Anybody else have any input? looks like its all about the putting stroke for now.




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  • Senior Member

read this thread about golf after HT and it looks like im done for 2 weeks. Bill said 3 weeks to be safe. Anybody else have any input? looks like its all about the putting stroke for now.




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  • Senior Member

I play golf and with my swing, no way within a month-- I would recommend if you have an aggressive swing wait the full month-5 weeks---


BTW-- you don't actually stretch the scar that heals on the outside-- it is the subcutaneaous tissue that takes forever to heal---- you really should be careful and err on the side of caution.


Golf puts a lot of tension around the neck area--- just my opinion but I say wait--- work on your putting and your game will improve!

Go Cubs!


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Guest Baldie3000

This is an interesting thread. From what I understand, there is a healing period before being able to start up any real physical activity again. I guess like "the B Spot" said, it's better to be safe than sorry?


I feel like I'm on information overload these last few days, but this is a good thing! Now I need to lay down.....shew!



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I did say 3 weeks on that thread, but also notice that my answer was not cut and dry. I believe you can pretty much do any activity (except physical contact sports) by 3 weeks as long as you do it with extreme care and caution and then progressively go back to normal.


For example, I was in the gym on day 6 after my third surgery but did extremely light weights (I'm talking light) just so I could feel active. I was extremely careful to do nothing that caused any strain and then over the next several months, gradually increased my weight and went back to normal.


B Spot is right about erring on the side of caution.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Senior Member

I'm trying to get my precedure done on May 12th with Dr. Tessler, may have to wait until May 20th though. I'm also an avid golfer and will be dying to get out there, but it really is better to be safe than sorry. Like you houston, my putting and chipping should get much better in the next couple months. But hey, my short game is what really needs work anyway. Killing two birds with one stone.

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  • Senior Member

A scar to fully heal and mature to maximum strength takes a good 6-8 months. Within the first two weeks, we generally recommend to take it easy and limit any significant strain on the neck area. Even at 4 weeks the scar is still laying down collagen, healing and maturing. It is not at 100% strength.

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