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What happened to Bluesman?

Bob C

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About year ago, maybe longer, there was a guy on this site named Bluesman who had a transplant (basically a hairline lowered) with Dr Shapiro. I haven't heard from him in quite a while, and would like to know if he's around. Or does Pat or Dr Shapiro have any updates?


I'm especially curious because Bluesman was close to my age, and had a similar degree and pattern of hairloss as I do. He said he was pleased with the results so far. He also said he was on propecia, and that he was considering another session.


I know people move on, but if anyone runs into Bluesman, ask him to give us a shout or drop me a PM.

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  • Senior Member

About year ago, maybe longer, there was a guy on this site named Bluesman who had a transplant (basically a hairline lowered) with Dr Shapiro. I haven't heard from him in quite a while, and would like to know if he's around. Or does Pat or Dr Shapiro have any updates?


I'm especially curious because Bluesman was close to my age, and had a similar degree and pattern of hairloss as I do. He said he was pleased with the results so far. He also said he was on propecia, and that he was considering another session.


I know people move on, but if anyone runs into Bluesman, ask him to give us a shout or drop me a PM.

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  • Senior Member

Actually, no I haven't. I was just kind of wondering out loud whetherI'd missed any updates.


Lots of members who've had a procedure post progress reports regulary. Sometimes they lay low while they wait for the hair to grow, but then they come back after 6 months or a year.


I certainly could PM Bluesman, but I figure if he was around, he would probably post here.

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There is a good chance that he has stopped being a regular viewer of the forums. The good thing about PM'ing, is that it will send them an email, which will be the best chance you have to get a response.

1344 grafts with Ron Shapiro - June 2006

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Originally posted by Mark H:

Thats odd then, because I've sent a number of PMs and most of them were ignored.


Mark, that is most likely because people who sign up on this board may use a 'private' internet email address, so when they stop visiting the forums they would probably have no use for their internet email and discard it. In that case we will probably have lost them forever icon_frown.gif

1344 grafts with Ron Shapiro - June 2006

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I too have been wondering about bluesman. Tried emailing with no response. There are many of us his age that would love to know his results. I am also asking Dr. Shapiro's office or Pat if they would try to make contact.


Thank you

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