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Everything posted by vincehair

  1. Hey Pat and Bill,where are you getting this info from? One of Armani's stooges rat him out and show you the contract?
  2. How old are you? That's an important factor. With that middle part of yours thinning like that i would give propecia and Rogaine foam a try to stabalise your loss.
  3. Hey Trebor,yeah it doesn't look good man and at 8 months all the grafts would have sprouted by now. Are you from Ireland? Never heard of your doctor. Did you just find these forums? This site, hairsite.com, and hairlosshelp.com are all very informative.
  4. Also....i wonder if taking dutasteride .5mg every other day would be just as good? You around Bill?
  5. Just wondering where you get your prescription filled and how much it costs a month. Thanks!
  6. Hey youngsuccess hope it turns out well man. Don't we all want a nw1 werewolf hairline? Hell yeah haha
  7. well Bill here's the million dollar question....who won the free Ht in 2004? Any pics? Which doc did the free HT?
  8. Thanks for everyone's input. I have talked to a lot of Docs and sent them detailed pics. Some say 80grafts in hairline some say 50 or so. Of course i wanna' shoot for the higher numbers but of course yield is of concern. Argh....
  9. Haha wouldn't a free HT be nice? Hell Yeah! On a serious note though,i think every Ht doctor should do repair work for scarred up guys for a lot less than the normal price
  10. Exactly Bill,evryone sounds like their counting on their scar being pefect? Lot's of guys still get not so pefect scars no matter who they go to. If your going to keep your hair so damn short then why do you even need an ht? Shave it off.
  11. Hey Bill,yeah man just worried about the front transplated hair looking a lot thinner than my native hair. I remember the graft calculator on here only goes max 45 grafts per square cm as well. so i guess most docs like to stay around 50? I know certain docs have claimed 80? 90?
  12. Been talking to a Ht Doctor and he said the maximum for good strip yield he does is 50 per cm squared. Is that going to look ok? Black hair with pale white skin. Thanks
  13. Been talking to a Ht Doctor and he said the maximum for good strip yield he does is 50 per cm squared. Is that going to look ok? Black hair with pale white skin. Thanks
  14. Haha Blue steel.....Looking good balody. What are your plans for future work? Any thoughts about BHT?
  15. Don't worry Dr. Jones i'm sure you will be part of the club soon. Doesn't matter if 100 guys popped up and had negative things to say. Yippee
  16. 2 more links for you to read before you rush to Dr. Jones for some sweet FUE.... http://www.hairlosshelp.com/fo...7330&highlight_key=y http://www.hairlosshelp.com/fo...6833&highlight_key=y
  17. I Don't think i'd want to go to a doctor that brags about crap like this.... http://www.hairlosshelp.com/fo...9579&highlight_key=y
  18. http://www.hairlosshelp.com/fo...9664&highlight_key=y What about this?
  19. Josh-b you around man? Did you get an HT yet? thanks
  20. wantego you look so much damn better just at months man. You are going to be golden at 1 year. Feel good for you man and Dr. Rahal scores again. Must be nice starting 2009 here soon with hair! woo-hoo!
  21. Anybody going to point out that a combover pic doesn't show the REAL results? Please get some more pics like top down and combed back on here.
  22. Dr. Feller i agree with you but you gotta' take it easy Happy Thanksgiving Dr. Feller,Bill,and everybody else reading this...mmmmm turkey....
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