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Everything posted by orangehair

  1. thanks Pete yes huge improvement and difference for this patient he's looking forward to tackling the crown with the next step - will update cheers!
  2. as a constructive observation without documenting the donor area extractions it is not clear as to the method used
  3. This patient received several transplant sessions done with outdated technology and technique in the late 1980's. Finally feeling comfortable with what can be done currently, Dr. Dorin performed a follicular unit transplant (FUT) consisting of 2028 grafts. 652 singles, 1319 doubles, 57 threes. Result is after 9 months. A second procedure will be done to address areas in the front/top with transition into the crown. FUE will be utilized for punch thinning as well.
  4. This is a nice example of donor healing with FUE. We find that most patients are feeling comfortable with their appearance within about 10 - 14 days post-op. Of course this can vary depending on the size of treatment and donor characteristics - density, hair color, skin type, natural growth rate. Patients may opt to cut their hair shorter on top as this can lend to the side and back blending faster. These extractions are by .95 punch manual motorized. Typical range of customized punches is .85 - 1 mm depending on criteria. The pics of Dr. Dorin's patient show before, prep map, immediately post-op, and after 12 days.
  5. I've attached a patient of Dr. Dorin's with a non-trichophytic closure - 2400 grafts. I see patients on a daily basis and it can be tricky to even discern which type of closure they received. My point in posting this thread is not so much about trichopytic closure as it is more to address the undeserved stigma associated with FUT strip surgery to which Bill alluded. Of course every patient is unique in terms of skin type, elasticty, density, previous surgeries, attention to post-operative care - not every scar is created equally but certainly patients should expect a high level of refinement in scarring with FUT. We do a lot of FUE presently but FUT is still a solid approach to hair transplantion.
  6. For those that are concerned about scarring from a hair transplant, particularly FUT : although below is a very exceptional scar, patients should expect a very fine linear scar from an FUT procedure if executed properly. This happens to be a fully mature trichophytic donor closure after a 2300 FUT.
  7. This restoration was accomplished with 2 FUT procedures separated by 1 year. HT#1 2908 grafts. HT#2 2003 grafts. Patient was challenging in terms of the size of the area vs. donor supply - he is extremely happy with the change - Dr. Dorin's design met his expectations. He is currently undergoing a 3rd smaller FUE to tweak the crown region.
  8. thank you for your comments.....i will definitely be providing more detailed photos and follow-up video....by the eye test, the results are amazingly similar and suggests a comparable yield, as you would hope with twins stay tuned.
  9. Looks great Janna!......nice size HT for the vertex....patient using Propecia as well? if not would be a nice adjunct
  10. We have had the unique opportunity to perform hair restoration for twins Kyle and Tristan. Their initial procedures were performed about 15 months ago at our New York city surgical office This case study is a wonderful comparison between the current methodologies of hair transplantation - FUE vs FUT. Dr. Dorin performed FUE for Kyle. Dr. True performed FUT for Tristan. See below T & D profile video that showcases the twins on their procedure day: Tristan was profiled in the New York Post article as well: Tom Brady inspired my hair transplant! | New York Post We recently saw Kyle and Tristan at our Boston office for follow-The initial treatments were very successful and have already had a huge positive impact for the twins as can be seen in the below photo. We will document their development more thoroughly when they make there way back to NY.
  11. appreciate the comments - about a 50 /50 split between beard and chest we do find that the beard goes dormant and reveries, however in this patient I suspect that they never shed in order to have such a full result at 5 months . We use a proprietary bled of Bio enhanced solutions, not merely saline
  12. This patient had gone through previous surgeries utlizing older technology - his goal to even out the choppy look of the larger grafts and establish more uniformity throughout the front. His scalp donor did not support a large procedure - he does have a viable beard and chest donor resource so this was mainly utilized. Dr. Dorin extracted manually a couple hundred from the scalp but mainly targeted the beard and chest region. 1295 grafts were extracted to enhance the front. Dr. Dorin saw this patient at our long island new york office for follow-up and snapped an after pic that shows very good development even after just 5 months.
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