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gillenator last won the day on August 27 2023

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  1. It’s very expensive and although it has been shown to be of some benefit post-op, it’s hard to say just how effective it has been because I don’t think there have been much or enough clinical studies done post-op as this relates to surgical hair surgery.
  2. Have you talked to Dr. Glenn Charles in Boca Raton?…he is very good and ethical and trained with Dr. Ron Shapiro in MPLS. It's very encouraging to see that you have done lots of research and that you understand your limitations…you have adjusted your goals and expectations accordingly…also, it looks like you have some beard donor available…is that a possibility to consider?
  3. As long as the dermatologist is experienced in performing microscopic examinations.
  4. Beard hair can change in characteristics when it grows out and the visual compatibility factor is very important…as Gats suggested, you can add more in smaller sessions in the future.
  5. Beard hair can change in characteristics when it grows out and the visual compatibility factor is very important…as Gats suggested, you can add more in smaller sessions in the future.
  6. Sometimes it’s very helpful to take a break from all of the information and take a good couple months away from it all…then start looking at guys who have the same loss pattern as yourself and which surgeons you feel would give you a similar outstanding result.
  7. You still have some decent hair at 58 and it looks like the beginning stages of a diffused hairline.
  8. It takes approximately 3 days for the grafts to be anchored well in the scalp…after that a loosely fitted hat can be worn for short periods of time.
  9. Even with average hair characteristics there needs to be at least a density of say 30 cm2 for the added fibers to cling to.
  10. I have seen this countless times over many decades and albeit not the most common where only the crown has loss, but it does occur in some men.
  11. Please allow me to first say a big congrats on a large procedure and that so far, you are happy with the results…listen my friend, losing 10-20 hairs per wash is perfectly normal and I agree that it is probably just some native hair that sheds in its normal cyclical behavior…it would be nice to see some before pics along with some at the 12 month mark and then at 15 months…ENJOY!
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