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Don Head

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Everything posted by Don Head

  1. Salaam alaikum Dr Barghouthi, Thanks for the comment. Your work looks solid indeed. However, travelling to Jordan for a sergury isn't the best for me since I'm from Israel
  2. Thanks for the links mate! This case looks similar to main indeed. I'd have to pick the clinic that has the most experience with this type of hairline reconstruction and graft removal before I'd make my choice. I know that HLC also have some experience with this.
  3. @Davy Hey! It's really encouraging to see your results! I have a similar case of a very bad hairline design and poor growth which I'd need to repair. Can you please share an updated close-up picture of your hairline? I'd really like to see what the scarring looks like today... this would really help me. Cheers!
  4. I had a failed HT 10 months ago. Very poor growth and a horrible hairline design which I'd like to redesign. Currently searching for information about extracting transplanted grafts from the hairline, mainly from the corners. I know it might leave scars and would love to see some examples. Did anyone over here have experience with a hairline reconstruction including this type of extraction? Thanks!
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