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Everything posted by TrialAcc

  1. Don't fear monger over finasteride like this, it does nothing useful. Minor sides from fin can be things like a minor reduction in libido or watery semen. ' In addition, while I don't disagree that PFS is a thing, it's occurrence rate is so ridiculously low that it's nothing that someone who takes fin should be worried about if they stop the medication.
  2. Yeah but think about what could happen if you could regrow even 25% of your original density through a new treatment or could get even 50% more grafts through a hair multiplication or cloning. Your illusion of density would become the real thing. Early NW guys at later ages without aggressive hairloss don't need to get gain anything back that their grafts can't already get them, they can get good-to-great density from 1 dense pack procedure. I wasn't talking about existing science, I meant future treatments like cloning to help higher NW guys get full heads of hair again.
  3. I picked up on this myself after realizing what hair transplants were 2-3 years ago. I remember seeing Dave in random youtube videos and he has a pretty noticeable crown bald spot that disappeared after he got mega rich and starting partying with models. Then I saw he openly admitted it. To be fair, I don't know why anyone in their late 30s~ with mild hairloss wouldn't look into a transplant with today's results. These guys are ideal candidates and it's a very good option. It's the NW5+ guys that still need some assistance from science.
  4. Don't consider a transplant at your age without Fin, in my opinion. Your hair isn't that bad and you could get some stunning results that last for decades. The alternative is getting a HT done and enjoying it for 2-3 years and probably needing another one.
  5. You need to get on finasteride yesterday if you even want to contemplate a hair transplant. You also have a ton of hair in your thinning areas that could be thickened and maintained for years to the point where you might not even want a transplant anymore, as there isn't a fully bald area on your entire crown/midscalp. Given your loss pattern right now and based on what you said about results, I wouldn't think it's possible to get the results that you're looking for. Get on fin + minoxidil + weekly dermarolling, assess in a year and maybe you'll be in a much better spot for a transplant.
  6. Doesn't look like 2500 grafts, but certainly not a bad result. 9.5 months in and the textures of his hair don't match yet, but in a another 6-9 months at full density and the hair starts to mimic the natural hair texture it will be fine for someone like him. He doesn't look it, but he's in his early/mid 30s and I doubt he has extensive loss incoming with such minimal recession.
  7. Where did you get the 4k number? Most people easily have 6k+ grafts available.
  8. The work should blend into your existing density and look pretty natural, however are you on finasteride? If not, I would 100% speak to a doctor about trying it out because you will 100% need another pass on the front to add density if you lose your natural hair there. On the graft counts, I don't think this is 500 and 100 as some poster said, but I would say there is about 300 max in the crown and maybe 700-1000 on the front. I would defiantly ask for that graft count and possibly even literally count the dots with MSpaint or something to verify. Good luck! Happy growing!
  9. Really? I know American's that just landed in Vancouver and are quarantining in one of the mandated hotels. Now I wonder what essential service they told.
  10. Not to start a debate here but it's fully reasonable and appropriate for a country to require things like vaccinations to allow foreign visitors into their borders. You aren't a citizen of that country, and they have every right to enforce whatever type of healthcare standards they see fit to allow you to visit. This exists all over parts of the world. If it's not something that you are interested in then you don't have to visit that specific country.
  11. Yes because it's Trudeau's fault that America let covid go unchecked and we had to close our borders to protect our healthcare systems...
  12. Why don't you just fly in and book a airbnb or something for 2~ weeks if possible? Pretty sure you can skip the quarantine with negative covid tests on both sides of the flight. BC is beautiful in the early summer, maybe make a mini vacation out of it once the healing is done?
  13. I have visible redness all along by thinning area, don't need a microscope for that haha. I'm happy to hear it's improving, what treatment have you been using?
  14. You should look into rescheduling it. It looks like India could be facing some large scale systemic failures through their medical infrastructure and as I'm assuming you're a foreigner you probably don't want to risk getting stuck there or worse getting actually sick and not having medical treatment available to you after already undergoing a medical procedure. This is also a guess, but I'm assuming covid would be very bad for new hair growth after a transplant. Covid is an inflammatory virus that harms the body through androgen receptors (among other things). Many people who have had covid have suffered hairloss in the resulting months.
  15. You don't see the line that is visible at the back of both his ears in the same spot? Looks like a heavily faded/concealed strip to me. The whole point is that it's been well faded/worked on. Otherwise why would these guys be shaving their heads.
  16. I posted two (one of each side, different times), just scroll up.
  17. He had to have had a HT on his temples (or like you said a partial system). His hairline is lower then it was when he was in his teens in his 40s and no prevention meds are going o achieve that.
  18. It's called concealer, infact I think if you zoom in on Hardy there the scrip is actually visible slightly as well but there are multiple pictures where you can find his scar clear (Hardy). Wouldn't be surprised if the same goes for Depp. Like others have said, these bigger hollywood guys literally have teams that focus on their appearance as well as access to the best cosmetic treatments after the fact. If they can hide their hairloss in the first place then they can do the same with the resulting scars.
  19. That's why the best & most ethical surgeons won't overuse grafts and make a overall plan if you end up losing more hair.
  20. Looks about the same, maaaybe slightly improved. Even if you don't see improvement, remember that it's not a sign that the treatment isn't working. I guarantee if you kept the hair you had now you'd be thrilled going into your 30s. Keep at it!
  21. Man you have a fully normal head shape, honestly probably better then most bald guys. We are our own toughest critics.
  22. This is basically how it is. In 99% of cases, being bald is only actually a problem when it affects your perception of yourself to the point of obsession because it is going to be reflected in almost every interaction you have (the exception would probably be if you rely heavily on appearance for your career, like actors, models or vanity driven sales) . People don't like to hear this though, they'd rather blame the instance of baldness itself for why they are treated differently or feel differently rather then coming to the conclusion/reality that no one actually cares and what people are actually reacting to is the extreme negative atmosphere you are giving off.
  23. Don't do anything rash. You're going to be able to cover up this area completely pretty quickly with your natural hair. From there you can get in contact with actual world-class clinics to either repair or add density to make it look natural. As long as the hair you just got transplanted is growing the correct direction I don't think it will be too difficult to add more natural density.
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