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Image Comments posted by TakingThePlunge


    Hi Seth, I don't recall. At my Skype consultation we had planned for a total of 3,000 grafts with 1,000 allocated for the crown. The reality was we could only get 2,400 from my donor so adjustments had to be made. Dr. Bhatti told me how low we could go with my hairline based on the new count and we worked backward from there.


    Hey Spanker,

    Thanks for the comments. I'm not sure what you mean by "bouncing back" because to me that sounds as if he'd previously done good work and then suddenly wasn't any longer. That's not the case and I think Dr. Bhatti has been moving forward for years. One of the things that I respect most about him is that the is never satisfied with his own work and is always educating himself and practicing his craft. He is also very open to constructive criticism and doesn't shy away from addressing comments/concerns. I went with him because I had no doubt that he'd be able to meet my expectations. At only 4 months post-op I'm confident that I've made the right choice.

    In terms of hairline placement, do you mean would I choose the hairline I currently have again or do you mean would I advance it further? The hairline I have now is more or less what I wanted prior to my first procedure. I think that even after the second procedure when it was lowered slightly, it still crossed the line from "mature" to receding/balding. At this stage I love the hairline that Dr. Bhatti has designed.

    I'm about to turn 47 and my hair loss has advanced very little over the past several years. Dr. Bhatti felt it had stabilized but I still have about 1,000 to 1,200 in reserve and the potential for BHT if needed.

    All in all, here is what I can say at this point...Love the design and the hair growth is better than I expected at 4 months. I'm certainly growing better than I did with my first two strips. I wish I'd had this hairline placed during my first hair transplant and had shot for a mega-session at that time rather than having 3 separate procedures. But, if I'd done that and gone away happy, I would likely never have become a moderator here so I can't complain. It's been a long and interesting journey.


    Thanks! You can view my pre-surgical pics at my hair restoration website.

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