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Everything posted by debugged

  1. I had a 4000 graft FUE procedure 5 1/2 months ago and I feel things are going OK. Yet, if I rub my hand close to my scalp between all the newly growing hair, I feel stubble the same height as the original #1 guard trim I received the day of surgery. I just have a question about this. Do all these shafts eventually become growing hairs or are some just remnants that did not have a vital hair bulb. I was thinking if they didn't have a vital bulb below them they should have fell out already. Is that true?
  2. Hi Blake, Can you please give me a link to that thread. I cant find it. Thanks.
  3. I am not computer savvy but I tried to download two photos taken today in my album under DEBUGGED. You can see the drastic difference in the appearance of my FUE at 4.5 months with different lighting. That is why I was saying we have to standardize our lighting when we share photos
  4. debugged


  5. debugged

    From the album: debugged

  6. debugged

    From the album: debugged

  7. Just wanted to say I'm a first time poster who had an FUE HT with Dr. Vories in SC 4.5 months ago.... Everything good so far. Its just that when I look at any before and after photos on the internet you see much variation in lighting. For example, look at ads for teeth whitening. The before and after pictures are a joke. Not only are the teeth whiter on the after pictures but the gums and lips are brighter too. It has to do with the lighting ( or photoshop). I could even take photos of my scalp under different lighting and at 4.5 months I could make my head look like a forest in some shots and a desert in others. What I think is that the members in the know should come up with a standard for photos so we are comparing apples to apples. Say for example that all photos should be taken being lit by one 60 Watt incandescent bulb shining straight down 12 inches from the head. This way every Dr or member showing their results are all under the same conditions . (call it the 60 x12 rule). Just made that up but do you see where I'm coming from. If we all use the same standard, we could evaluate our results better. Just a suggestion.
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