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Everything posted by ddd2050

  1. Hey Bazancourt, I see that your in your early 20's (I am too), and I wanted to know what made sure wanted to get a HT at a young age? When did you get your HT?
  2. Are there any physicians in the San Diego area that offer that service? If so what is the charge? Based on what you've seen, does it appear to be MPB or is it to difficult to tell?
  3. Hello, I've attached some pictures to get your guys take on how bad you think my hair loss will be (I know it is an educated guess at best). Just a little family history: my mother's side from her father and mother's side has no one with any advanced hair loss, but mom herself has a little bit of hairline recession, but idk how it works with women...but she does have a large forehead. My dad is a Norwood IV I believe, with a hair loss mostly on the front and crown thinning at 58. He's told me his crown has thinned but you wouldn't be able to tell unless you looked up close. Looking through most of his pictures from his 30's and 40's, the hair loss has mostly been on his front. He took no medications and looked decent for his age in his 30's, 40, and now. Its just his hairline/ front that took the major hit. His father has my type of hair texture and he has virtually no hair loss in his 70's. Everyone on my dad's fathers side has pretty much no hair loss. But, my paternal grandmother's relatives have had significant hair loss (I don't know the extent, but from what my dad told me they we were "baldies"). I'm guessing my father fell kind of in the middle with hair not as good as his dad's but not as bad as those from his mothers side. I hope I end up in the middle as well :confused:. I pretty much know at this point I'm not not going to be free of hair loss like my mother's side, but year opinions plz.... When my hair loss started it is thinning I noticed first. As you can see from the pictures my head is pretty much see through when I grow it out from the damn thinning (the hair on my left side is thicker and stronger than my right...is that normal!? mpb; on my hairline the right has receded more than the left...its pretty ridiculous). Then came the receding on the corners. Are the thinning areas a sign of places to go....because if they are, I might as well shave my head now :mad:
  4. Any idea on what my NW stage is? And also do you agree with Greatjob in that I would not have enough donor hair assuming that I would eventually end up a NWIV like my father? So if my understanding is correct, their is a strong likelihood my hair loss would progress in pattern completely divergent from those in my family?
  5. Hello Guys, I am a 22 year old that has been experience hair loss now for 4 years. And let me just begin by saying I've done the research--almost 5 months now--on HT's (and HT's in general) on men in their early twenties, and I know some think it's the worst possible thing to do. I know getting a HT done to early could result in me chasing hair balding behind my transplanted hair, the need for multiple procedures, cost, conspicuousness of a HT at my age, the distinction between a mature hairline vs juvenile hairline, etc... With that being said I would like to get your guys take on what you think my stage in the NW scale is... (I've attached pictures) I've looked at people in my family in particular on my dad's side (as men on my mother's side have kept almost all their hair even into old age) and I've noticed that the texture of hair I have inherited is from my grandfather who has softier,curlier hair (he also has all his hair btw at the age of 82), but inherited MPB in all likelihood from my father who is NWIVA (at 57). Both me and my brother are experiencing the similar MPB. I've noticed throughout the years my hairline has receded along the corner mostly and the middle seems to be receding slower. I've been told my a HT doc I have mild recession. My question is given the fact that I can somewhat forecast my hairloss pattern, what is the harm in getting a minor HT to fix the corner's of my hairline? I've been taking Rogaine since I noticed my hair loss and Propecia is out of the question because of the side effects I experienced. Rogaine has seemed to be helping maintain my hair on my crown--I don't think I am genetically predisposed to hair loss there b/c my father does not have any loss there anyways--but I do think it has helped a little on the hairline. So it seems to me that HT is the only viable solution for my hair loss whether that be now or in the future, that is of course if they don't discover a new amazing treatment for hair loss in the next 5 years (I doubt it lol).
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