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A big day at Dr. Keser (Turkey) for FUE surgery 2200 grafts





After spending a good number of years researching I finally came to the conclusion that Dr. Keser is the right choice for me. He would professionally perform the procedure implanting roughly 2200 grafts spreading over 5 days.

I have been loosing hair since I was in twenties. But past 35 years of age, I noticed considerable hairloss which made me think of taking a practical step. I'm 42 year male, harwood 3 hair loss and have been on propecia (finasteride) for about 7 years. The medication did help slow down my hair loss; but I also think it did effect my libido (sex drive) a bit. However, I can't be 100% certain, as 7 years is a long period; and as you grow older you tend to loose some of your sex drive anyways.

Coming back to my surgery, which is scheduled for the 20th of October, 2014; I'm really satisifed with my choice so far for various reasons. First, Dr. Keser does take due deligence in conducting the whole proecedure himself. Unlike many HT doctors in the U.S, he doesn't believe in mega sessions translating into mega bucks. Rather he believes in the quality of his work. He seems to be an ethical and respectable personality to me. Once I meet him in person and have the surgery done, I'll know more and update the blog accordingly.

The most important thing that attracted was the natural hairline and density that he manages to delive to this clients. This blog should act as a testament to Dr. Keser high reputation and his hard work. Also, it would give a common person an opportunity to witness the results first hand coming from a patient.

I'll post my feedback and update you with pictures as I make progress into this journey.

Wish me all the luck!!!



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Congratulations! Look forward to updates.


Blake (Future_HT_Doc)

Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant

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I have finally completed my surgery which lasted 6 days (took one day off in between). I ended up getting 2200 grafts (350, 550, 450, 450 & 400 over 5 days) Dr. Keser did an excellent job in making sure the hairline looks natural and maintain the right density considering my existing hair. Overall, I'm satisfied with the surgery process. I felt comfortable at doctor's hand. Devran (English translator) made sure there was no communication gap. Dr. Keser was very patient in answering any question that I had.


I'm hoping the results would reflect the kind of effort the doctor put into it. He manually extracts and implants each graft by himself. His assistant Senem was very careful and diligent in handling the grafts.


One thing that I would like to share, I felt extreme pain most of the time the local anesthesia was injected into my scalp. There are a 10 to 20 injections each day, so be prepared for it. Some people don't feel any pain so it depends on how sensitive your scalp is to needles. I'll go over in more detail later in this blog as I move along the process.


I'll update with pictures each month and would be more than happy to answer any question about my experience. I'm open to any feedback / comment, good or bad, that you may have.


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