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FUE Procedure with Dr. Rahal this Thurs 9/4!



the day is almost here, been anxious and a bit excited about it too, traveling to Ottawa to have my procedure with Dr. Rahal, took a few weeks off work in order to finally address my hair loss issue and correct a small procedure I had in the early 90''s which has left a "pluggy" look at my hairline, I did not want to go the FUT/strip route even though I already have a small scar on the back of my head, Dr. Rahal's FUE results apparently yield the same success as his FUT procedures, I'll leave it to his and his team's experience, I'll post some post op pics as soon as I can and I think this entire community and forum for all the information, education and de-mystification around the HT procedure, its made making decisions from the choosing the surgeon to the type of procedure to what to expect so much easier, we all need to help one another and this is the best forum for that! thanks again everyone -


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Congratulations! Look forward to updates.


Blake (Future_HT_Doc)

Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant

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Been 6 months since my FUE procedure with Dr. Rahal and all I can say is its been life changing for me. I know that seems like a dramatic thing to say, but having lived the past several years always trying to conceal what was obvious, and going through a daily regiment of gels, hair sprays, etc. was exhausting and tiring. This procedure has brought some normalcy back into my life and I don't wake up thinking about my styling process in order to combat the weather, wind, etc. I can't thank Dr. Rahal and his team enough. Question is am I satisfied or do I go back for another procedure to address crown? We'll see .... thanks to this forum and all that have posted their experiences, photos, and results, most good, some bad, but we've all helped each other out and that's the most important thing. Its made me feel a sense of obligation myself .. Take a look at my photo albums and provide any comments if you'd like. 

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