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Dr. İlker Apaydın from Newage clinic



Hey Guys,

It is so important for everyone to keep giving updates and feedback on what works and what does not.

I have finally opted for Hair Transplant and I wish to get it done in Turkey. Now, I have spoken to numerous surgeons and one of the Surgeon's I have interacted seems to stand out; Has anyone heard of Dr. İlker Apaydın from Newage clinic in Turkey??

The reason why I am asking is because I will be having an online consulation with him soon and I would like to know if he is good at what he does? There are other blogs and information out there which seems to suggest that he is a capable doctor, however, I would love to hear from someone who actually has had work done on them by this Doc.

Anyways, enough about the Dr. İlker Apaydın, I would like to share with you some information about myself. I am 30 years old and I have been on and off Minoxidil. I never want to use propecia due to the horror stories that I have heard regarding it. It seems that Minoxidil seems to work pretty fair on me.

Refer to the pic belows, this is how I am at this point in time. I may do a hair transplant with the above mentioned doctor in the next two weeks. I will keep you guys posted :D


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  • Senior Member

Hi Zingo,


Haven't heard of this doctor. Have you consulted with Dr. Doganay or Dr. Erdogan?


Blake (Future_HT_Doc)

Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant

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