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Neopel Hair Clinic Tijuana Mexico



I started losing my hair at the age of 20. By the age of 29 I had lost a significant amount of hair. I had huge receding hairlines and a large bald spot at the top of my head before I had my hair transplant surgery at Neopel Clinic in Tijuana Mexico. The operation was done on 7-4-2014 and was performed by Ana Gabriela Hernandez. The following is my initial review of Neopel Hair Clinic in Tijuana Mexico and Ana Gabriela Hernandez.

Neople Hair Clinic is located in Tijuana Mexico. The clinic is located just a few minutes away from the San Ysidro Border. In my opinion the area or neighborhood in which the clinic is located is pretty safe. The locals were nice and warm welcoming. I had no problems whatsoever driving to the clinic and driving back to the United States. Dr. Ana Hernandez even offered to pick me up in San Diego, but because I was driving I refused her offer. I also refused the offer to stay at a local hotel which was free if I decided to stay in Tijuana...which I did but a friends house.

I am really please with the service I have received. Days before my operation, I talked to Dr. Ana Hernandez via internet using Skype. I asked a lot of questions and she answered them properly. Please keep in mind I had talked to multiple doctors in the U.S. before I decided to engage the services of Dr. Ana Hernandez. In other words I was and am pretty well informed regarding hair transplants. Even after my operation, I still receive texts and calls from her office to follow up with me which I really like because it shows that they care about their patients.

For the day of my hair transplant procedure, I sat down with Dr. Ana Hernandez at the office and went over the procedure step by step. My operation started around 9 a.m. and ended at 4:30 p.m. During my time at the office and during the procedure everyone was polite and professional at all times. I actually got to watch TV and some movies during the operation which I liked because it made it less boring. After the operation, I was offered steak w/ rice and beans and a coke. I have to say it was delicious. After the operation was complete, I sat down with Dr. Ana Hernandez again and she went over in detail what I had to do to take care of myself after the operation. I was given some medication and I was off back home.

In conclusion, I am extremely happy with the services offered by Neopel Hair Clinic and Dr. Ana Gabriela Hernandez. Tijuana Mexico is not as bad as most of you think. I stayed a total of 3 days in Tijuana. I got around downtown, ate tacos, purchased a couple of gifts, visited the beach in Rosarito....I am super hyped and I wouldn't hesitate to go back.

I highly recommend Dr. Ana Gabriela Hernandez and Neopel Clinic. I will be posting pictures in a few months of my results.

Before I forget, I paid $3,400 for my procedure. There are other clinics in Tijuana like for example Gardel whom charges $5,000.00 for an operation. I am confident I will see amazing results soon.

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Congratulations. Look forward to updates.


Blake (Future_HT_Doc)

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