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2014-06-25 Bleached & Haircut @ 15 months



Today I bleached my hair back for the summer as the whole dark hair and beard thing was starting to bug me. I missed the old me! Plus I wanted to try an experiment to see if the blonde hair would have less contrast to my scalp and therefore let me gel & spike it up like I used to do pre HT.

First the "bad news" ... When I went for the haircut, I decided to go back to a #2 guard on the clipper as I used to do before my transplant. As you can see it makes the scar show! UGH! I should have stayed with a #3 or maybe even more. It'll take some experimenting to see what the minimal length is I can get away with. I didn't realize the scar would be so obvious and honestly it brings back all these flashbacks about the staples.

Now for the "good news" ... my theory worked! I can totally spike my hair again! And even though I said it before, I just love LOVE my hairline. I wish the top was more dense still as I have also said before, but at least it's not as noticeable or think looking like with the dark hair.

For what it's worth, I've also realized that pictures really don't do the HT justice. The flash from the camera and being so up close makes it seem much thinner than it really looks in real life. I look in the mirror and don't see the same thing that I see in these photographs. I also constantly get compliments. The most curious compliement I get is, "You had hair transplants? It doesn't look like it." And I usually have to say, "Well, yeah, duh! That's the point. If you could tell, then I didn't get a very good one did I?" :wink: I swear I have referred so many people to Hasson & Wong that I should get a commission at this point!





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