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Hair Restoration Candidates



Hair Restoration Package in Turkey

Follicle Unit Extraction is a method frequently used when restoring hair. It involves seperating the link between hair (follicular unit) and scalp via semi-circular movements. The seperation, when performed at the appropriate depth (also called a micropunch), does not harm the roots.

Micropunches do not leave any scars so the FUE technique is otherwise known as the scarless hair restoration method.

Hair Restoration Candidates

Not everyone is a suitable candidate for hair restoration surgery. When you apply for hair implantation, the specialist will first obtain a detailed medical history, a computerized skin and hair root examination along with a blood check–up (if necessary). The investigative results are then set on the table to obtain a definite diagnosis. Only if you fit the criteria and a medical therapy is adequate, your therapy will be planned and you will be called for treatment.

The most important factor that indicates successful hair transplant is the hair line design.

The unnatural look as a result of thicker hair transplantation to the front hair line.

hair loss package

The natural look of hair by designing the front hair line with advanced FUE technique.

The number of grafts to be transplanted are determined according to degree of the baldness.


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