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finally bit the bullet!



Well after about a year of researching and debating on whether or not to have a hair transplant, I finally went through with it yesterday. I feel like I should share my journey with everyone on here because of all the reassurance that was provided to me through this site. After narrowing my potential doctors down to just three, it was a touch decision but the lucky winner goes to.........Dr. Cooley.lol In all seriousness, I couldn't be happier with my decision. The whole day was very pleasant to say the least. It was a long day, but other than that, I couldn't be happier. Dr. Cooley and his staff were very professional, knowledgeable, and polite. They were always asking how I was doing and what not. If you find yourself in a situation of debating on doctors to do your transplant, Just go with Dr. Cooley. You won't regret it. They were concentrated on me the whole day.

I have read many concerns about people having hair transplants and the doctors not actually doing the work. I would say Dr. Cooley was involved in 90 percent of placing grafts and what not. If he was out of the room it didn't bother me at all. His technicians were completely capable of placing the grafts in my opinion. They were very knowledgeable and experienced. I kept asking questions and they were quick with answers;) When they were dissecting my hairs, I felt bad for them just staring into those microscopes all day, so occasionally I would ask them if they wanted to take a break but they were good to go.lol

With all that said, I ended up getting 2300 grafts to my hairline and temporal regions. I also had acell in my donor scar and on the grafts. I will post some pics later tonight after I take my first shower post op. Thanks for everyone's help on this site.

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Again, congratulations! Look forward to updates.


Blake (Future_HT_Doc)

Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant

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