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Here we go



Growing up, I was blessed with a great head of blonde hair. In high school and college it was especially awesome. The girls loved it. My friends would tease me because I would wear it shaggy and would say that I was trying out for parts in shampoo commercials.

But all good things must come to an end.

Around 23-24 my hair started to recede around the temples. I always had a high hairline, but I had a lot of hair so it never mattered. Now at 32, the temples have receded far enough that it is noticeable. Although if I comb my hair forward it is a little harder to tell.

I am not too self concious about my hairline but would certainly like to fill in the temple regions. I am not trying to get back to high school or college, but maybe close!

Fortunately, I still have a lot of hair in the midsection and back so donor hair shouldn't be a problem. I figure life is too short to worry about hair so after years of research, I scheduled an appointment with Dr. Cooley. I had a chance to meet with him and he seems like a realy professional.

I believe that I have chosen a top surgeon but am still a bit nervous. I just want to make sure I am not getting into anything that I am going to regret later on down the road. I has seen some REALLY bad transplants (recent ones!) and I can't help but wonder if they followed the same path that I am currently on.

I'll do my best to keep this up to date so hopefully others can learn from my experience. On the flip side, any advice would be hugely appreciated.





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  • Senior Member

Hi Keith,


Thanks for sharing! Please, feel free to ask any additional questions. Good luck.


Blake (Future_HT_Doc)

Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant

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  • Senior Member

Thanks! Once thing I was curious about is PRP/ACELL. I have heard mixed reviews on it. Dr. Cooley said he has seen success, but other reputable surgeons say that the jury is still out. I am not really expecting the PRP/ACELL to induce any new growth (although it would certainly be nice if it did) but rather to minimize any scarring and prevent shockloss. Just curious if you had any insight. It really isn't that much more (I think 1,500) to add to the procedure but perhaps that money would be better spent on a few more graphs?

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