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Keloids and hair transplant



I was wondering if anyone with keloids has had surgery done on their hair ? Or any other feedback regarding someone with keloids looking to have a FUE hair transplant . Very much appreciated. 


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  • Regular Member

Me, but too recent to tell (only a few weeks), so fingers crossed nothing happens. 
I did a lot of research prior to it.

In short, yes, it can happen. Although is not that common.
Saw several cases online that happened to them at the same time there were a lot of people with Keloids and nothing happened. I asked the doctors and they all said that it can happen but is very rare. 

I recommend prior to deciding of doing a procedure to shave your head in case you haven't done so in the past. Right before my procedure it was the first time a fully shave my head and actually quite liked the look of it. If I would have shaved my head before my procedure date I probably wouldn't have taken the risk of doing the procedure. 

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  • Regular Member

Thank you Bud, I appreciate your response.

2 quick questions:

How is the healing process now, was it FUE that you did ?

Also did you tell your doctor/clinic of your condition prior to your surgery, did they know beforhand?

I have contacted a few doctors in Turkey who do not want anything to do with me when they find out I have keloids.

Looking forward to your reply.

Thanks heaps. 

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