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In need of advice for next hair transplant



Hello folks,


Firstly thanks to everyone who provide their opinions regularly on this forum, although this is my first post many of you have provided me with a lot of useful information over the past couple of years.


My story: Currently 22 years old male from London, started losing my hair at a very young age, got an FUE transplant at the age of 21!! In this thread I do not want to say who was my chosen surgeon, as I am going to write a full thread on my experience and before/after pictures etc. So at the time of my transplant I was on propecia, but unfortunately I had to stop taking the drug due to sides 6 months ago. I now use Finasteide gel (topical). Anyway, I had 3000 FUE grafts and it was an amazing result, however my hair loss is progressing and it doesn't look as good now. I use toppik and with that it looks good.


My plans: So I think a few people will think that my best option would be to wait, but I am planning on getting another hair transplant. My donor area is no longer plentiful, but I have been told I have 3,000-4,000 scalp hair remaining. I am thinking about going to Dr Umar for a transplant consisting of 1/3 scalp and 2/3 beard grafts, and adding density to the whole top of my head. I would keep the hair buzzed down and combine it with temporary smp. Dr Umar said that from the pictures, he estimates this could be achieved with 3,000-4,500 grafts (1/3 scalp, 2/3 beard). My thinking is that, say if I got 4,500 grafts, that would bring my total up to 7,500 grafts. This should provide adequate coverge in the nw5 area, right?


The purpose of this thread was to get impartial advice, I am already grateful for all that I have learned from this forum, and would appreciate some advice on my specific case.







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  • Administrators

I hate to say this, but it appears as if you may be suffering from Diffused Unpatterned Alopecia (DUPA). I see some thinning in your donor zone. At your age I would caution against having a hair transplant. Instead try finasteride and minoxidil to see how you improve. I also suggest consulting one of our excellent pre-screened surgeons to assist you.


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  • Senior Member

You are very young and already with an advanced pattern.  You seem to be dipping in the donor area as well.  Fortunately, however, there seems to be a good amount of native hair left.  You said you had side effects due to the medication.  When? Right after taking the medication? Months later?

Propecia, Rogaine, Laser and PRP are the modalities we typically discus when taking about retention of the native hair.  You need to be on all of them and keep a record.  Start taking photos.

It is concerning to think you are considering more grafts.  I realize the situation you find yourself in, but be judicious with your grafts.  There is a finality to the donor and eventually you'll have nothing to work with.  Additionally, if the grafts are taken from an area where the hair is lost, (in the donor area), eventually you will lose those grafts, wherever they're placed.  

Listen to Melvin.

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