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Is it worth getting crown/whorl work done?



Hi, I had a hair transplant for the temple area a year ago and took video of it over 3-4 months but have not been able to upload it??? I am now currently in Turkey considering a transplant for the crown/whorl area but am concerned that it is not a bald enough canvas to work on, and as a consequence may end up doing more damage than good? I do have some photos rather than video but have yet to upload them. However, once I have worked that out I would appreciate any comments of whether to proceed or not. I have been offered 1000 grafts with the Choi implanter! I have managed to add a photo album but not sure how to add them to this post?? Any advice would be most welcome! Think I have got there! I am taking Finasteride and have been for around 10 months and have had several clinics say they could at 1000 grafts to the crown area but I wonder if some rounds of PRP would be a better option?


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