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countdown to 4000 fue with Dr. Vories



30 day countdown before my 4000 + procedure with Dr. Vories, scared as hell and nervous. I've never had a procedure and I've been contemplating one for 10 years. I didn't want a strip scar and hope to keep my hair short with a very conservative hairline. For the experts out there please let me know what you'd recommend and any other informational help, hints or tips I'd appreciate.

I've uploaded some photos to show where I'm starting from and would appreciate any suggestions about the 4000 that I'm getting, and pre or post vitamin, aloe vera, rogaine, biotin, jojobi, propecia, regimen that anyone recommends. I've never taken or used anything. I know I'll probably have to get another large procedure in the future, but was hoping to get this first one and then have another one and keep a conservative hairline cut short.


Let me know what you think and thanks for your help!


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