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When To Get A Scalp Tattoo or Scalp Micropigmentation SMP Treatment



If you are suffering from hair loss, chances are that you would try to hide it everyday. You can use caps, hoodies and other such head-gear to keep people from viewing what is really happening on top of your head. However, these are not long-term solutions to the problem. Your head is still devoid of any hair, so sooner or later, everyone around you would find out that you are going bald.

This is where the scalp tattoo treatment comes in. The process makes it look like you have recently shaved your head or given it a buzz-cut. The overall effect is convincing as it looks neat, and stylish, especially when complemented with a short stubble!

How is it done?

Getting a scalp tattoo involves dots, which mimic hair follicles on your scalp to give the illusion of having hair follicles. There would be a variety of different needle angles, pigment color, needle thickness and penetration depths, which can be used in a single session of getting a scalp tattoo, so that it looks as natural as possible.

So it is like getting a tattoo?

Not exactly. Traditional tattoos require much heavier gauge needles and the ink is injected much further into the skin. Also the ink used in scalp tattoos are quite different from the ones in traditional tattoos, as they should not fade to blue with time. The ink and the equipment which are used for this procedure is specifically crafted for it, and not just a modification of traditional tattoo equipment.

Is it customized?

Yes, it is! Every person has a unique hair texture, hair color and hairline. For the treatment to look convincing, care must be taken to follow the hair patterns, which are closest to your original pattern of hair. Even the direction of growth of the hair follicles gives it a jagged look, which should be replicated when getting a scalp tattoo.

Is it safe?

If you get it done from a reputed clinic, absolutely. The treatment does not require the use of any drugs as it is not surgical. It does not leave any scars on your skin and it gives the illusion of your head being full of thick hair follicles. The best part is that the results are immediate!

How much does a Scalp Micropigmentation Treatment Cost?

Prices for an SMP treatment vary depending on the amount of work that needs to be done based on the degree of baldness. Prices can range from $750 to cover a client, male or female, with thinning hair to $5000 for a full head of hair restoration. It is best to go into the office where you plan to have the treatment to meet with your SMP technician and to have a consultation. Consultations are usually free, but are limited to time. Go into the consultation prepared with some questions about the artist and about the treatment. Based on the consultation, the SMP technician will be able to give you an accurate quote on the procedure, and should be able to answer any and all of your questions.

Scalp Esthetica is the leader in Scalp Micropigmentation SMP and SMP Hair Density Treatments for Men and Women suffering from Baldness or Thinning Hair. Visit us at www.scalpesthetica.com or at http://www.facebook.com/scalpesthetica for more information about Scalp Micropigmentation SMP or SMP Hair Density Treatments. View more pics at http://www.plus.google.com/+scalpesthetica.


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