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About this blog

 So I’m in the process of growing my hair, I haven’t had my hair this long in probably 15 years or so or possibly more. I have been wearing my hair short for many years and my hair is thick enough that it actually looks good styled short. However, I’ve always been a fan of longer hair growing up and even though it may seem a bit juvenile, I have been enjoying blowing my hair and I am looking forward to seeing what it looks like. That said, it’s nice to see that I actually have thick enough  hair to grow it long  and not look ridiculous. I honestly never thought I’d be able to do this again. 


Entries in this blog

July 6th, 2018

So today is July 6, 2018. I thought I would post some photos of my hair the way it looks now and then as my hair grows longer share some additional pictures. Perhaps members can provide their input and let me know what they think they like better in terms of length.  I guess that sounds strange but after all, this is a hair restoration forum :-)

Bill - Seemiller

Bill - Seemiller

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