Richter, thanks for the reply. Very happy for you that your experience has been good. I'm sure Ms. Marlise will appreciate your recommendation of her services.
Writting this his blog is new to me but I could not say nothing after the fantastic results with Karen. My before and after pics were taken immediately after her cover up, hence the redness.
Its been about bout a week and will post more pics. Hair is starting to grow over since my hair was buzzed for the S&P pigment
Hello, if you are considering hair transplantation, by all means, if you have plenty of donor area, go for it. The technology today yields great natural results, however NEVER EVER NEVER do strip harvest method! You will be scarred for life and it's unnecessary. Only use the FUE transplant method. There is no scarring and very natural. I'm 59 yo and had my first of 4 "strip" harvest transplants done over 20 years ago. Fortunately the hair placement was good and never had the "corn row or d