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Hair we go Again ! : Reasons for hair loss that we are not aware of ?

Well, Talking about Male Pattern Baldness, There are various type of hair loss which develops in most men & women at the similar stage. This condition we called as “Androgenetic Alopecia” which takes approximately 20-25 years to go bald. Many people go bald in very lesser period like 5 years. Very commonly at first stage hair begins to thin (recede) at the sides (temples) at the same time hair becomes thin from top of the head. There are several critical reason generally about what we are



Know more about Hair Transplantation & Techniques

Know more about Hair Transplantation & Techniques What is Hair transplant? Hair transplant is a permanent Hair loss treatment. It is a proven method for hair regrowth. Receding hair line, hair fall, male pattern baldness are some of the most common types of hair loss experienced by many. Hair loss treatment can be surgical through hair transplant or hair surgery or non -surgical through medications, PRP hair treatment and Mesotherapy. Hair transplant was first performed by Dr.Norman Ore



Sessions required for Hair transplantation!

A person, who has been experiencing excessive hair loss and decides to go for a hair transplant, will have to consider several points to consider. The first point is whether to opt for a single session or multiple sessions. In a single session, a large area of the scalp is covered while multiple session where smaller areas covered in every session. It is advisable that one take the advice of your surgeon before considering either of the options. Given below are the advantages and disadvantages o



Can Rogaine Help treat hair loss?

Rogaine or Minoxidil 2% solution is a treatment to cure hair loss in both men and women. Earlier it was available only by prescription but today a person can purchase it over the counter. Minoxidil is applied topically over the balding areas for stimulation of new hair growth. It drew a lot of attention from the media in its initial days as it was approved by FDA. It was known as a miracle drug's. Rogaine is said to have a moderate effect in controlling hair loss in some people. Also, it has bee



FUE Technique for Hair & Hair transplantation effects

FUE stands for follicular unit extraction which is the best invasive method in hair transplantation more comparatively treatments like strip harvesting, the traditional technique in where in a strip of skin is removed from a donor site and cut into individual units, FUE uses an instrument to remove multiple groups of one to four hairs. Hair Transplantation has some crucial side effects varies according physical human body likely for men and women respectively. There are some side effects cru



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